Chapter 30: Survival (Edited By Me)

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The man narrowed his gaze
"We'll see." He took out his pistol and fired a bullet towards her head.

Two fingers moved under the man's chin. His eyes widened with a gasp as is saw Eva standing face to face with him.
"How did yo-"

"Now, now," Eva said.
"You don't have a clue of what you've gotten yourself into." Eva chuckled with an alluring smile, her gaze peircing into his eyes.

Snapping out of it, he threw a punch, only for his fist to be caught by her.
"That is awfully rude of you," Eva said and snapped the man's wrist with one squeeze of her hand.

The man fell to his knees, grinding his teeth in pain; still glaring up at her
"This is painful I presume?" She tilted her head, her eyes narrowed. She tightened her grip, forcing him to cry out in pain.

After a moment, his eyes opened, still with a challenging glare.
"Go to hell," he said with a painful tone in his voice.

"Oh?" Eva, titled her head, and pulled the man to the ground on his back and placed her boot on his throat, causing him to hold her ankle in desperation.

Looking down at him with a calm collected gaze, Eva trained her eyes ahead at the woman across her.
"What an insulting tone." She frowned, followed by the sound of crunch.

Looking down at him, all that she saw was his lifeless eyes staring back at her. Eva looked up at the stunned woman before her.
"What satisfaction do you get by killing an innocent person?" She asked stepping off the body and stood before the woman.

The woman stepped back with a stunned look on her face, her eyes filled with horror as she gazed upon her dead friend.
"What kind of question is that?" The woman asked, a look of disgust etched on her face.

Eva moved strands of hair over her ear with her eyes closed.
"It was only a curious question." She opened them and looked straight at her.
"I know that you go around killing innocent people." She rested her hand on her hip.

"So tell me... why do you do it?"

The woman narrowed her gaze, and slowly aimed her weapon at Eva.
"You know why. It is called survival."

"Some survival." She glared at her.
"With your race having its numbers low. That's a fatal motive to have." Eva clinched her fist and took slow steps towards the woman.
"It's rather very selfish." Eva grabbed the end of the woman's weapon. The woman opens fire, only to be backhanded by Eva, forcing her to fall a few metres away.

"She didn't deserve this!" The man said with Kayla in his arms.
Eva begun to step towards him.

He looksled up at her with a glare, his eyes, bloodshot.
"You monster!" he shouted out.

Just then, Eva widened her eyes and stopped. 'What an uncomfortable phrase, a familiar one.'

The man gently layed her body on the ground, and runs towards her with a raging scream.

Snapping away from her thoughts, Eva stepped back and avoided his fists with ease.
"You call me a monster?" Eva said, continuing to avoid his attacks with a calm look on her face.

"Do you want to know what a true monster is?" She said, grabbing his arm with a strong grip and slammed his chest with the palm of her hand, forcing him to fall back on the ground.

Lowering her hand, she walked towards the man. Watching as he held his own chest. For a while, he struggled to stand himself up.

"A monster terrorises, hurts, and murders someone that is innocent." She stood before him, and steps on his hand. The man to grit his teeth, trying to bare the pain.

Awaken Into a New World Book 1 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now