Chapter 38: Downfall (Edited By Me)

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"What do you want!" Virgil shouted out in at Eva, and pushed through Leah, and Alecia. His assault urged Eva to look down at him with a frownful gaze.
"You think you can just come here and push your weight around?"

Alecia grabbed Virgil by the shoulder before turning him to face her.
"Stop it. It's not helping," she said letting go of him.
Virgil groaned before averting his eyes.
"You don't want to provoke someone like her."

Virgil looked up at Eva.
"She's just a machine."

"Virgil," Eva said with a stern look at him, urging Alecia, to look up at her.
"I have not once disrespected you." Her face grew in disappointment.

"It's a shame you act this way towards me," her eyes had a saddened way to them.
"I have been kind to you and Diana, from the beginning."

Eva looked at the palm of her white-plated hands.
"I did not ask to be created, nor did I take Alecia's essence on purpose." She looked down at them.
"I consider it a gift."

Eva turned her gaze to Alecia, and saw her looking up at herself as if she tried to analyse her.
"And that look, Alecia?"

Aven turns to Alecia, before looking back at Eva.

Alecia lets out a calm sigh.
"I was just wondering," she said averting her eyes for a moment and looked up at Eva.
"You had every chance to kill them, why didn't you?"

Eva formed a gentle smile
"It's easy to know why..." She looked at Virgil and Diana.
"I can't help it." She lowered her hands to her side.
"But feel as if I have fond feelings towards them."

She closed her eyes.
"It has been bothering me for a while, until I finally realized." She opened her eyes and looked down at Alecia.
"I have not only gained your essence but your emotions as well."

Alecia widened her eyes.
"What do you mean?"

Eva's smile faded
"It is exactly as you heard." Eva said with a calm tone.
"All the emotions you have ever felt up to the point of me having life. Everything that you have ever thought towards anything." Eva slowly raised her head with her eyes locked on Alecia's.
"Basically. I now you better than anyone else here."
She scrolled her eyes across the others.

"You're wrong." She said looking up at her.
"We're nothing alike."

"That's what you think." Eva said resting her hand on her hip.

"Don't talk to her." Aven said, before flames surged from his body once more.
"She's just another invention of a race that is too corrupt to learn from their mistakes!"

Eva turned her gaze to him and frowned.
"That self-righteousness will be your downfall."

"It will be a downfall for you!" Aven shouted out and leaped towards her, and threw a strong punch, only to hit air when Eva moved away from it.

Glaring down at him, Eva's eye-pupils glowed brighter, and threw a punch of her own that was blocked by him.

The both of them threw punches and kicks at each other. While they continued, Eva started laughing while she was pushed back by him.

"What's so funny!" Aven said, in anger before he sped up.

"Is this really your best?" Eva said with a chuckle, started dodging his attacks with ease.

"You stupid machine. I'll show you a real fight!" Aven said, moving back. He went into a stance with his hands closed into fists, the flames around his body surged more violently.

He charged towards her and slammed Eva into the sky before following after her; trails of energy was seen coming from them.

"What is he doing?" Alecia asked, stepping forward and exchanged looks with Leah and the others.

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