Chapter XXIV: Secrets (Edited✔)

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"Hold on

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"Hold on." Norah's voice reverberated within the engulfing darkness around them.

A mechanism sounded, and lights from the ceiling switched on one by one, from top to the bottom of the tunnel of steps.

"That's pretty impressive," Virgil said, looking down into the tunnel.

Diana eyed the bricked walls. "Is this some kind of bunker or vault?"

Norah shook her head. "Not exactly. It's more or less the same, I guess."

"So your friend," Alecia started, fixing her hair, "he knows we're coming?"

"Yes," Norah answered.


Norah stood in front of the iron door and stared blankly at it for a moment. Alecia slowly leaned in to study her with a puzzled look in her eyes.


Norah turned to Alecia.

"Just know that," her eyes flicker in thought, "he's a talker, you'll hardly get a word to him. Heck, even I tend to avoid talking to him."

Their new companion opened the door and walked into a large white room. The interior had long metal tables against the wall, with white-colored cabinets sitting alongside it. All sorts of instruments sat on the tables.

"This place is quite clean," Virgil said.

"You'll get used to it." Norah strode into the passageway on the right.

"How long have you been here?" Diana locked her eyes on the rooms she passed along the passage.

"I don't know." Norah gazed on the tiled floor. "It's been months."

They entered into a larger room, where two long tables stood in the middle, large gray counters sitting against each side, with orange, red, and green lights, and buttons on them.

"Are those things-"

"Computers," Norah interrupted Diana. "Yes, they are. These are very old, very rare. Come."

Diana walked with Virgil towards the door, while her eyes were locked on the old computers. They entered a large room, with a few desks standing against the wall in a row. A young man was seated at the one desk. He looked over his shoulder.

"Haaa." He smiled cheerfully and stood to face them. His appearance was unappealing, sporting a gray shirt, a sleeping gown, and long blue pants, also an unshaven face and unkempt hair.

"The guests have arrived." He chuckled.

"This is Chuck." Norah pinched her nose bridge, eyes closed.

"Hey, whatever happened to full names?" inquired Chuck, rubbing his hands together while flicking his eyes among the three.

"It's Chuck Yards." He shook the hand of Virgil and turned to Alecia.

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