Chapter XXIX: Music Box (Edited✓)

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Alecia sat up, gasping profusely. She tried to move against the headboard, but she was still weak.

"Easy there," said Leah. The strange girl tried to touch her, but she didn't allow as she backed further away.

"You. . ." Alecia's voice trembled, her eyes flickering between them.

"Leave-" She paused and looked at the unfamiliar room. "Where am I?"

"Alecia," Aven calmly said before reaching her with his hand, and out of fear, she slapped it before it touched her.

He sighed. "Don't you remember me?"

Alecia took her eyes off him. She bent her knees and hugged them as she shook involuntarily.

"Do you remember who I am at all?" Aven sat on the edge of the bed.

Alecia shook her head. "N-no."

For a brief moment, she turned her gaze to Leah and averted her eyes.

"She's terrified," Leah whispered to Aven.

"I don't blame her." Aven stepped towards Alecia. However, she again attempted to lean against the headboard even more, not breaking her eyes at him and watching his every move.

"We're not here to hurt you."

"No!" Alecia stood off the bed and tried to get away, accidentally bumping into Leah and making her hit the dresser. A handheld box fell to the floor and opened up-started to play a gentle tone, a rotating woman in the middle.

Alecia turned her gaze to it and reached for it, but he picked it before she could.

"Interesting." Aven watched the small woman rotate with the music until it stopped.

He examined the object in his hands, tilting it in many directions. A small black thing stuck out from its side. He twisted multiple times and the box resumed, the woman rotating once more. His gaze was pinned at Alecia, who was now curled against the small drawer beside the bed.

"Do you want this?" He crouched and gestured the music box to her.

Alecia looked away, hesitating.

"It's okay. Here, you can take it."

She took it from his hand and stared at the music box. He gave a gentle smile as he stared at her.

Leah stood behind him. "Should we take her to the ship?"

"No, not yet."

Leah narrowed her eyes.

"She would be frightened. And, of course, she wouldn't even want to come with us."

Leah put her hands on her hips. "Then, what?"

"We need her to remember," Aven said. "What happened. Everything."

The music box stopped playing, urging Aven to turn to Alecia.

"I never thought she'd be this bad."

He crouched next to her and held her arm.

"That's it, Alecia, you can do it," he said, encouraging her to play the music box on her own and helping her stand. "Come on. It's time to go."

Leah watched Aven help Alecia walk through the doorway. "You're taking her outside?"

"She needs fresh air."

Leah walked towards the doorway and followed them.


Aven walked Alecia out of the building and stood on the road. He looked at each side of the road and noticed Alecia looking down on the left side.

"Okay, then. Let's go this way," he said with a slight smile and started walking, Leah following from behind.

Awaken Into a New World Book 1 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now