Chapter 16: Underneath (Edited✔)

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Wallace opened the door for them

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Wallace opened the door for them. Aven and Leah stepped out, walking off the veranda.

"Before I forget to ask, what do you call her by? Is she given a new name?" asked Aven.

"It's Alecia," replied Wallace.

"Interesting. That's her real name." Aven looked at Leah and back at Wallace. "So she didn't forget her name?"

"She responded when I called her by that name. I don't know how she remembered it."

Aven smiled. "Thanks again for your help. Take care of yourself, Wallace."

Wallace nodded. "Likewise. Good luck."

The door closed behind them.

"Just like that?" asked Leah as she stared at the door, frowning.

"Never mind him. Focus on our search."


Aven closed the door of the town's wall and strode towards Leah who was waiting for him.

"Strange, this is. . ."

"What is?" asked Aven.

"How the bio of her description showed that she has black hair," Leah said, looking on the ground and watching every step she took.

"Why's it that it describes her with black hair. What's with the color change. Do you think she can be an imposter?"

"That's ridiculous, considering that this woman has the same name. Let's just check it out, okay? It'll be fine once we put all the pieces together."

Leah nodded. "I suppose you're right."

"This time, we'll walk. We wouldn't want to go ahead of her before she gets there."

"We could do that."

"Let's go." He leaped off the ground and flew into the air, with Leah following from behind.

Aven could only hope that he'd find Alecia. More importantly, he hoped that he could help her understand who she was.


In the distance, beneath the city, under the plumbing system, and in the sewage. In the darkness of the deep soft howling of the tunnel, with the sounds of streaming water, Alecia, Virgil, and Diana followed the girl into the engulfing darkness.

"Virgil, where's that light of yours?" asked Alecia.

"Hold on." A thump was heard.

"No need, I've got it," the girl's voice said, a few taps and a yellow beam of light reflected off the walls of the tunnel. The four of them were now visible.

"Well, you're convenient," Virgil said, picking up the bag. "Where are you taking us, why the helping hand?"

She stayed silent as she continued to walk, constantly flicking her eyes around the curved walls.

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