Chapter 18: Her Rage (Edited✔)

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Alecia stared blankly at the wall, still lying on the bed

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Alecia stared blankly at the wall, still lying on the bed. Her eyes started to look pink, her pupils bluer than usual. Thoughts circled in her mind, so many questions.

Why didn't they come for her after so many years? Did her mother even care, or did she think that she was dead?

All her sorrow, sadness, mixed itself into a fit of building anger. Anger at herself for losing her memory, anger at this world full of evil people, and anger at them who left her to die on this planet all those years ago.

A tear cascaded down her cheeks, no longer a tear that indicated weakness, but a tear of a bursting rage. She closed her eyes and waited till darkness swallowed her.


"Alecia!" A familiar voice woke her up.

She turned on her back and spotted Virgil sitting at the edge of the bed, grinning.

"Good to see you awake."

"How long have I been sleeping?" she asked, sitting against the frame of the bed.

"Couple of hours. How do you feel?"

"A lot better," she said. "I feel more relaxed now."

He nodded. "That's good. Listen, are you hungry?"

"Actually." She smiled. "Yes, yes I'm hungry."

"Well then, let's go." He reached his hand out to her.

Alecia gazed at his hand for a moment and back at him.

"Sure." She nodded and took his hand.


"After you." Virgil gestured for her to walk inside Joel's room.

Alecia walked in. Diana, Joel, and Kellan sat at the table.

"There's the kid," Joel said, standing up from his seat. "I hear that you've been resting the whole day. How are you feeling?"

"Other than being a bit drowsy, I'm good."

"Take a seat next to Kellan." He gestured towards the table.

Alecia took her seat next to her without hesitation, while Joel sat himself down.

"At the moment, Kellan has food cooking still."

"I should check it." Kellan moved out her and walks towards the stove at the end of the room.

Joel watched Kellan for a moment and turned to the three of them, clearing his throat.

"So where are you three from?"

"It doesn't matter," Diana said with a serious tone.

Joel raised his brows at her. "I guess it doesn't."

He looked at her for a long time before turning to Kellan who was busy stirring the one pot on the stove.

"Listen. I wouldn't have you guys here, just for the sake of it, and if you guys leave now, they'll. . . those hunters, those psychopaths will surely pick up on the trail."

Awaken Into a New World Book 1 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now