Chapter 20: Ashes To Ashes (Edited✔)

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"So are you going to be okay now?" he asked with a cheerful smile.

"Hm?" He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. She nodded with a slight smile.

"Come," he said, taking her hands and helping her stand.

He walked towards the buildings with her as he had his arm around her upper back.

They strode within the city in silence. "So how is. . .?"

"Joel?" Virgil said calmly. "Still not okay."

Alecia sighed. "I can't even imagine what he's feeling right now."

She gave a downcast look as she watched her every step.

"This is all my fault," she said sorrowfully. "I watched them cut her throat right in front of me. They wanted me to join them, and I refused. In the end, Kellan died because of my selfishness."

Virgil stopped and stood in front of her.

"Listen," he said, holding her shoulders, and looking at her straight in the eyes. "Kellan's death wasn't your fault, do you understand me?"

"And what if you joined them, hm? They might've let her go."

"No!" he snapped, which startled her. Her eyes flickered in fear. "They show no mercy, no remorse. Everyone was going to die. They were going to kill no matter what!"

She shook her head disbelievingly. "W-why?"

"Because that's what they do, they kill, they destroy. Their entire organization is run by fear. Every member is forced and manipulated, and that was what they were about to do to you, too." He let go of her shoulders. "So please, stop putting this on you. Stop blaming yourself. Be thankful, that you're alive, okay?"

He placed his hand on her shoulder. "Okay?"

She nodded. "Okay."

Virgil formed a slight smile. "Let's go."

Alecia turned her gaze to the buildings on her right and carried on.


Alecia and Virgil noticed a bright orange glow in the distance.

"Looks like that fire is near the sewers," Virgil said, walking faster. "Come on."

She jogged to bring herself near him. "Looks like they're burning something."

"I can see Joel."

They spotted a blazing fire, with Joel standing near it, a blank stare on his face, the light of the flames reflecting off him. The survivors carried bodies and stacked them behind Joel.

"I thought you ran away," Joel said, his eyes fixed on the flames.

Diana walked out of the alleyway, a dead body on her shoulder. She leaned down as she gently placed the deceased man on the pile. She looked at Alecia for a moment, her gaze hardly having any emotion.

"Your friends are here, Diana," Joel said.

"I know that."

"So what will you do?" Virgil said, looking at Joel.

"First of all, cremate the bodies. I'll deal with my daughter."

"What, are you going to bury her?"

"No. I'll cremate her last. Alone."

"Alright. Do you, um, need help?"

Joel scowled. "I don't need your help. I already have enough people."

"What can we do?" Virgil said, almost desperately.


Virgil raised his eyebrows. "Pardon?"

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