Chapter 15: Two Perspectives (Edited✔)

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"I was just thinking, on our way here from the last settlement, I spotted a small town

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"I was just thinking, on our way here from the last settlement, I spotted a small town. We should check there, too, don't you think?" asked Leah.

Aven stood. "Good eye. Where did you see it exactly?"

"North of the settlement." She stood as well. "Are we going there now?"

"The sooner we find her, the sooner we go home." He looked at her with a smile.

"Well," she said, stepping to the edge. "Let's get to it, then."

She slowly moved one foot over the edge, the sole of her boot brushing grains of sand off the the cliff. She leaned forward, leaped off the mountain, and fell as she watched the ground below slowly approached.

Leah smirked as the wind resistance blew back her hair.

"Always trying to impress, are we?" said Aven with a smile, leaping down the mountain and falling.

While Leah continued to fall, transparent blue flames formed and spread from her head to her feet. She stopped falling and flew slowly with the wind. The familiar sound of an eagle echoed, and Leah spotted it in the distance, flying in the same direction they were heading.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Aven said as he caught up with her.

"I suppose, no," she said, turning her gaze from the eagle. "Go, I'll follow, like always."

Aven looked ahead and flew faster. "Whatever makes you happy."


Aven and Leah flew across the land, going from trees and plants that were still thriving, to a dry scorched landscape.

"At least not everything is destroyed." Leah looked down at the passing hills.

"Why don't they live where there are more trees and plants?"

"Maybe, they're unaware of it," muttered Aven beside her.

Leah nodded. "That'd make sense. Changing the subject, that white-haired woman. . . do you two know each other?"

"Why are you asking?"

"It's difficult to look for someone here, why go that extra mile?"

"Leah, if you know what I do, you should be aware that if I have a mission, I'll do whatever it takes to complete it."

"I understand."


Leah and Aven were still making their way towards their destination.

"Looks like I can see the city from here. It should be close by." Leah scanned her eyes across the field. Several buildings surrounded by a wall.

"There, that's the one." She pointed towards it and descended.

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