Chapter 33: Mad World (Edited By Me)

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Near the outer part of the city.
Some of the groups are accompanied by children, that range from seven to thirteen years of age.

Little do they know, the curious eyes of Eva watched over them from the roof of a building nearby. A water tower stood behind her.

Eva sat on the edge of the roof while leaning against the leg of the water tower. Training her eyes across the place, she watched each group she decided to look at.

Eva noticed a small girl with short brunette hair running across block. She ran past a few people until she stopped at the one woman. The woman stood up from her seat to meet the girl. The girl said something to the woman which Eva could not hear.

Her lips twisted into a slight smile. It soon faded when she heard a loud argument nearby. Turning her gaze to the source, she saw another group of people standing in the middle of the area. The one man is seen arguing with another about something she can't quite hear as well.

Eva narrowed her gaze with a frown when hearing the argument as it begun to escalate. The man arguing didn't seem to be a part of group.

He is joined by two individuals, a man and woman. Both of them stood behind the impatient man.

Eva stood up with her gaze still drawn to the scene below. The wind slowly begun to pick up, manipulating her hair to the one side. Strands of it continued to brush against the side of her face.

The argumentative man pulled out a weapon and shot the other in the head, and watched his victim collapse. The scream of a girl is heard among the group of people standing by.

Another man cautiously stepped towards the armed man with his hands gestured out to him. Only for him to get shot down as well.

Eva gasped, and glared down at them, her eye-pupils begun to glow bright as if it was a swirling blue furnace within them.

Clinching her fists, she moved one foot forward and stepped off the edge. Slowly she descended to the ground below, which the attention of the people. Lending on on solid ground, she straightens up, and glared at the man.

"Who the hell are you!?" He asked, pointing the gun at her. His eyes widened as he focused his attention on her.
His hand holding the weapon begun to shiver. "No, it can't be." He said in a trembling voice and slowly stepped back.

The people all looked his way.
"Th-those eyes."
He looked at the surrounding people.
"She's one of them!"

The people spoke amongst themselves while backing away. Eva continued to stare at the one man in the crowd for a moment, her eye pupils still glowing.

After a moment he stepped back.

Turning her gaze back to her accuser, she frowned once more.
"Always trying to act tough," she looked down at the deceased man next to her.
"Until something bigger comes along."

She looked up at her accuser and narrowed her gaze
"No matter what. There is still fear in you." She started walking to him slowly.

Stepping back, the man fired his weapon at her. However, he missed every shot as Eva stepped towards him.

Taking a quick step, she grabbed his hand with the gun, and crushed it, making him drop the weapon.

Clutching her hand around his neck, she snapped it, and dropped him to the ground.

"Kill her!" Shouted, the allied woman.

Eva grabbed her arm before she could pull out her weapon. Placing her hand on her chest, her lips twist into a smirk.

Awaken Into a New World Book 1 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now