Chapter 6: New Arrivals (Edited✔)

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The curious individuals strode near the ruins of a large built-in fountain

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The curious individuals strode near the ruins of a large built-in fountain.

"Isn't that weird, how it has an infant with wings?" she said, standing in front of it, scrutinizing the statue, her arms crossed. "It looks like it's blowing the palm of its own hand."

"Seems that way," he said, moving beside her, and typed something on the device on his wrist, light reflecting his face.

"What a weird idol," she said, stroking her chin with a tilt of her head. "No, it's too basic to be an idol."

"It might only be an art form," he said with a reasonable tone while he continued typing.

"Is that so?" She frowned and roamed around the fountain, meeting his gaze. "What are you doing?"

"Just logging our time spent here." He took a look at her and back on the screen.

"Do we have to do it?" She perched on the fountain wall.

"Yes," he glowered at her, "we do."

Scowling, he rolled his eyes. "We need to keep record where we are and how we got here."

He stopped typing and lowered his arms. "We are very far from home; we can't send a signal from where we are." She wiped the ashes off of the wall and acted as if she didn't care less. "So if anything happens to any of us, they'll get an idea of moments before. You should know about this."

He looked away and gestured ahead, done with her. "Let's move."


"This place is deserted," he said, squinting from one side of the road to the other. "If we can at least find some survivors, we'll be fine. I'm sure some of them will help us." His eyes bore into her as she leaned against the wall of a building.

"Leah, we should take flight, it'd be easier that way."

He crossed his arms.

"Before we do that," she said, leaning off the wall and rubbing the back of her neck. "Can I take this armor off? It'd be too heavy in midair."

"Do what makes you happy." He shrugged and walked into the street, gazing up at a soaring building that stood as far as the eye could see in a dark night.

She tossed her armor, making it tumble to the ground, followed by an ash cloud parting outward from under it. She wore a black, sleeveless polar-neck top, paired with black long pants, two belts and the red fabric still tied around her waist.

"That's much better." She twisted her back. "It's a good thing I had this underneath."

"Can we go now?" He turned to her, wearing his notorious scowl.

"Yes." She took a deep breath, her eyes closed, and exhaled. "Let's go."

"After you, Leah." He gestured with his hand.

Awaken Into a New World Book 1 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now