Chapter 34: Welcome Back (Edited By Me)

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Alecia, and Leah continued to follow Aven down the street. None of them have said a word to each other for a while since they've been walking.

"So...?" Alecia said breaking the silence.
"Where are we going?"

"I spotted a few of those scavengers on this road," Aven stopped and stood near a four-way road. The traffic traffic light that stood over them continued to blink red.

He looked from one side to the other with a thoughtful gaze.

"Why look for them?" Alecia asked with a confused look and stepped beside Aven.
"You know they're dangerous."

Leah stood next to a mangled car and stared at the ash covered windows.
"Because you're going to take that blade and plunge it into them."

Leah started to draw on the vehicle's window with her index finger, and turned to Aven and Alecia.
"W-why?" Alecia said with a shocked tone in her voice.

"Do you know that they were born into this world as it is now?" Aven said with a narrowed look.

"What is that got to do with anything?" Leah butted in and walked towards them both.

Aven turned his gaze to Leah and looked back at Alecia.
"They may not have been born before this planet got destroyed." He continued.
"But their late relatives have."

"What's your point, Aven?" Leah asked with her arms crossed, glaring at him.

"My point is..." Aven said looking at her with a calm gaze.
"Their DNA can show information of the previous generation."

Leah raised her one eyebrow.
"That makes no sense?" She looked at Alecia and noticed the same confusion.

"I don't feel like explaining it. Maybe it jump-starts her mind in some way," he said before looking at Alecia.
"You must just do as I say okay."

Averting her gaze, she stood and thought for a moment, while the red light above overshadows her face.
"What if it doesn't work?" She looked at him.

"I don't know." He looked at the ground for a moment.
"But it's worth a try." Just then he heard muffled voices in the distance behind Alecia.
"Speaking of which." Aven said averting his eyes before turning around.

Alecia followed his attention and spotted three scavengers. Two men and one woman.

Widening her eyes for a moment, she took one step back.
"Don't worry." Leah said stepping beside her.
"As long as we're around, nothing will hurt you."

Leah smiles.
"If anything happens, we're here to help if you need it."

Alecia looked ahead at the scavengers.
As she kepts her eyes on them, she soon saw how the one would randomly throw a brick through the one building's window.

She trailed her eyes to another and watched as they started arguing amongst themselves.
"I don't think I could do this," she said, holding the blade in front of her chest with both hands.

Aven turned to face her.
"Why not?"

"I won't kill them."

"But you said you have killed?" He said, crossing his arms.

"I was defending myself!"

"You were fighting for your life. Am I correct?" He said with a narrowed gaze.
"Those who were threatening to end your life. They would not feel guilty if they succeeded. So why would you feel any sympathy for such people?" He added with a frown.

"I... don't know." Alecia said with a shameful look on her face before averting her gaze.
"I just don't want to be like them."

"Is this who you've become?" He said in frustration, urging Alecia to look at him.
"The Alecia I knew was never like this!"

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