Chapter 7

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As the winter break came closer,the temperature dropped.The castle corridors colder than it already was.Lizzy Daelynn pulled her coat tighter around herself.Her fur boots and her thick winter jacket didn't seem to suffice against the cold winter mornings in Hogwarts.She walked towards the great hall for breakfast,hoping for som hot cocoa to warm up her body.

"Hey,Liz."Lily smiled,walking beside her towards the great hall."Hello,Lily."she greeted back."Rather cold today,isn't it?"Lily said,looking straight ahead.Lizzy smiled,looking at her friend."Isn't it the same everyday?The cold morning air?The normal routine of drinking hot cocoa?"she asked.

But Lizzy's thought pondered on the fact that she could control air.So why did she feel cold?When she was in Daelynn manor,despite the coldness of the air,she felt warm.But,for some particular reason,she felt anything but warm.She shrugged away the thought as she pushed open the doors of the great hall,seating herself beside Remus and grabbing the nearest mug of hot cocoa.

They boys greeted her as she greeted them."Say,Lizzy?You're not supposed to feel cold,right?"Remus asked.Lizzy nodded,placing her mug on the table and grabbing a slice of cake."So why are you feeling cold?"Remus asked her.Lizzy shrugged."I've been asking myself the same thing.I usually don't get cold during the winter.But,hey!At least I get to experience the cold for once."she said,taking a bite out of her cake.

Peter looked at Lizzy quizzically."Have you never experienced the cold?"he asked.Lizzy shook her head."Nope.Never.At least not that I can remember."

She took another sip out of her hot cocoa.Thinking thoughtfully and glancing at her brother a few tabled down.He looked at her,his eyebrow quirked as if questioning something."Excuse me for a second,yeah?"she said standing up without a reply as she made her way towards her brother.

"Josh.I need to talk to you for a second."she said,pulling on his arm.Josh's friends looked at her,a smirk forming."Josh's got himself a girlfriend,huh?"they teased.Josh turned bright red and stared wide-eyed at Lizzy.

Lizzy raised an eyebrow."Jealous?"she asked.They sniggered as Lizzy pushed her twin out the great hall.

"Besides,I'm his twin sister!"she yelled out to them from across the room before slamming the door shut behind her.

She turned towards her bright faced brother."What did I say something wrong?Are you sick?Your awfully red right now..."she trailed off,placing her hand on her brother's forehead.He continued gawking at her.She shrugged it off.

"Anyways,I pulled you out to talk to you about something."she paused,staring at her brother.He quirked an eyebrow."You see-You remember how I usually don't get cold during the winter?"she asked.Her brother nodded,now staring at her clothing."Yes,well,you see,I now feel very cold and I do not find it very...great."She continued."I may be...ill."she finished.

Her brother gawked at her sister."But you never get ill!Never!"he yelled.Her sister nodded."Yes,that is true but,after discovering about my new abilities like...wandless magic,and got better control of my other powers,I felt...different,in a way."she said,looking at her brother.

He looked up at her."Wandless magic?Since when could you do that?"he questioned."Since you talked to me at the black lake."she answered.He looked at her thoughtfully,nodding his head."You should owl mum and dad.They might know something about this.Considering you inherited mum's powers."He said.Lizzy nodded and went back inside with Josh behind her.

"What was that about?"Sirius asked after she sat back down,his eyes trailing Josh as he sat down with his friends."Nothing."she answered.Going back to eating her cake and drinking her hot cocoa.Sirius stared at her a second longer before shrugging it off and bringing his own mug of Hot cocoa to his lips.

She drank another sip of her cocoa to find it empty.She frowned,staring at the empty mug and stood up."Well,I'm off.I've got transfiguration first.See you there,Remus."she said before hugging her coat tighter and walking out the doors.

Sirius trailed his eyes on her a little longer before looking at his friends."What's wrong with her?"They shrugged,collecting their things and going for their first period.

Lizzy stared at the small flame in her hand,giving herself at least a little warmth in the cold classroom.She wasn't used to it.The cold.She remained still,staring at the flame until she heard footsteps round the corner before extinguishing her only source of warmth.

The footsteps neared her and stopped beside her.A hand resting on her shoulder.She knew who it was.Even without looking.

"What do you want,Sirius.We don't have transfiguration together for first period.Your having Divination and that's all the way on the other side of the castle."she mumbled.Sirius sighed,sitting beside her."You know,we're worried about you.We don't know what's wrong and why you feel don't have to go through this alone,Liz.We're here for you."he said softly.

She turned towards him."I don't know,Sirius.I don't want to drag you guys into my problems.Besides,you boys have your own problems to worry about."she said,a small smile on her face."Now,go to your Divination class.Don't want the teacher to give you detention before Christmas break now do you?"she smiled.He nodded before going out the doors of the class.

Remus sat beside her,an eyebrow raised."Hey,why did I see Sirius walk out from the classroom?Dosen't he have divination?"He asked.Lizzy nodded,"He wanted to see what's up.You know,how I'm doing."she answered.Remus nodded as McGonagall walked in with the rest of the class filing in behind her.

Lizzy...I know you can here me...and you will come with me...A hiss of a snake sounded in her ears.She closed her eyes shut,fearing the voice in her head.She placed her hands on the sides of her ears.You sill join me,Lizzy...or I will come for you....She shivered as she felt a hand rest on her shoulder.

"Are you okay,Ms Daelynn?"Professor McGonagall asked.Tears threatened to pur from Lizzy's eyes.Looking around the class,she realized everyone was staring at her.She shook her head."No."she whispered before running out the classroom and into the cold empty hallway,all eyes watching her as she left the classroom.

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