Chapter 26

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Remus sat at the windowsill of his rather small cottage by the seashore.The beach had been closed off for ages and no one seemed to come here.The beach was also secluded and far off from the muggles.He thought it was rather a wise choice per se.For he thought given his condition,lycanthropy,it would keep everyone away from him,away from harm.Including his friends.He hadn't transformed for about a year now,and he could live life normally.But,that didn't stop him from taking caution.What if he ran out of Wolfsbane?What if Lizzy stopped sending it to him and he ran out of it?It made him fear for the safety of those around him.Hence,moving off far away into a secluded area.Where he would do less to no harm at all.

His mind drifted off to the wedding that happened a few days ago.Lizzy.Sirius.He hoped they were doing fine.At least,hoped they were doing better than he was.The wedding of course was splendid-minus the Death Eater outbreak.He was beyond happy for them but then,he started wondering if he would ever find a love as strong and powerful as theirs.

He let out a shaky breath and stood up from his seat at the windowsill and walked towards the living room,turning on his heel and apparating to Lily and James' home off in Yorkshire.


Snape's cloak billowed behind him and his greasy,black hair had grown right past his shoulder blades.He of course,still had what had to be a permanent sneer on his face as his eyes glared ahead at nothing in particular.He turned the corner sharply and walked before a black door.Turning the knob and pushing it gently revealed a rather spacious room decked with shelves filled with potions of different colors.And at the other end of the room was a shelf filled to the brim with ingredients.A few were illegal,of course.He halted abruptly as his cold black eyes landed on a picture frame of Lily smiling brightly.

His eyes softened and the sneer disappeared for a moment.Returning momentarily after.He narrowed his eyes at the picture and drew his wand.

"Incendio."He muttered,causing the painting to burst into flames.Snape may not look like it but he still had an undying longing and love for Lily.His precious Lily flower he had known since early childhood.Only to be taken away from him in a matter of seconds by James Potter.Snape stared at the picture that slowly incinerated to ashes atop his desk with sad eyes.It hurt to burn the last thing of Lily he had.Especially a Christmas Gift from her in their first year of Hogwarts.

And soon,only ashes of the picture frame and picture were left.And moments later,nothing as a gust of wind blew,scattering all the remnants all around into the air and on the floor.A lone tear left his eye and splattering onto the floor.He took in a sharp breath as he proceeded to the shelf of ingredients,grabbing the items needed to brew a potion.

His mind drifted off to her smile.Her laugh.Her voice.Her angelic voice.Her beautiful green eyes.The way her lips formed a perfect smile.How she had always been good at potions.Snape's stirring slowed as he thought about her.Brewing potions reminded him of her.His stirring got faster as a memory of James and Lily played in his mind.How they laughed during the graduation ball held a few months ago.

The cauldron fell to the floor,spilling the purple liquid all over the mahogany floor.He sat on the floor.As tears spilled from his eyes endlessly.He was after all human.He had emotions.He had a lover.He had a heart.And his heart was forever loyal to Lily.No matter how hard he tried to forget his feelings for the red head,he always ended up falling for her all over again.And it was excruciatingly painful for him.

She had always been there for him.And he was always there for her.So for her to leave him alone in the dark pierced a hold through his heart.And eventually,shattering it into a million pieces.Oh how he planned to ask her out during their 7th year graduation.How all those plans came crashing down on him when he called her mudblood.It was true,he believed she deserved much better.But,James Potter was out of the question.He was a overly self absorbed jerk that liked to pick on others.So,he couldn't understand what Lily saw in him that he didn't.How could she love a jerk like him.One with a overly massive ego.And playboy heart.

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