Chapter 22

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Days gone by and everything was a blur to Lizzy.She had been tasked with a mission by the Ministry during the winter break by decided against being away from Sirius.So,instead,she was given time to herself.Sirius of course,had already been informed of her leave from the ministry for the time being and was ecstatic to finally have Lizzy during the holidays.

Sirius and Lizzy were outside,sitting by the black lake with Sirius' head rested on Lizzy's lap.Lizzy played with Sirius' hair while her eyes watched the Whomping Willow.It was something that she never got tired of.The Whomping Willow still sparked her interest after all these years.

"Lizzy."Sirius said softly.Lizzy hummed in response as she continued playing with his black locks with her eyes still on the Whomping Willow.

"What else will we do when we graduate?Its going to feel weird isn't it?Not waking up to have classes early in morning?"Sirius murmured.

Lizzy's hand stopped threading through his hair as her eyes drifted down,meeting his entrancing stormy grey eyes.She smiled softly.

"I don't know.But,what I do know,is that we're going to get married and have a family.And we'll have more time to do what we want."Lizzy replied.Sirius then stood up and shrugged off his robe.Lizzy watched him with a raised eyebrow as he hung his robe beside hers on a tree branch.

"Shall we go swimming in the lake?"Sirius asked with a wide grin on his face.Lizzy smiled and nodded as she took Sirius' hand that had been offered to her.Sirius pulled her up as they ran down to the black lake,Kicking off their shoes and socks before jumping into the ice cold black water.

Lizzy waved her hand as air bubbles appeared around their heads,allowing them to breathe and see under water.

Their breathes hitched as they saw a spectacular view of the black lake.Underwater plants grew from the very ground.With dozens of different creatures only seen in their Care for Magical Creatures class.But,to be able to see it all personally,was totally breath taking.

Sirius and Lizzy held hands as they propelled themselves through the water, and pointing at what seemed to be a mermaid.As the mermaid opened it mouth to talk,instead of the deafening screech that they had expected,a beautiful song like voice instead spoke.

"Good Morning,Miss Throne."the mermaid said.Lizzy nodded her head in greeting as they continued to explore the black lake,eventually coming across the Slytherin Common room.In which they say Slytherins boasting and fighting with each other.

Their common room seemed to look gloomy yet intimidating with eerie looking objects such as statues of snakes.Their Slytherin crest hung proudly on every pillar.The Slytherin common room was rather large compared to the Gryffindor one.However,what gave both Lizzy and Sirius the shudder was the fact that skulls hung from the ceiling,illuminating the common room in not normal white lighting but rather,a eerie green.With intricate and elaborate carvings on the wall. And,to top it off,Satin drapes of Silver and green hung from the walls with A large Slytherin crest sewn carefully into the fabric.

Lizzy and Sirius quickly swam away from the scene as Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Black entered the common room with snarls on their faces.

Lizzy and Sirius emerged from the Black Lake and out onto the grass,their uniforms soaking wet.Lizzy waved her hand,murmuring an incantation as the water from their uniforms rose into the air and back into the lake,leaving them cold but dry.

Lizzy smiled at Sirius as she ringed her hair of excess water.

"That was fun."She smiled.Sirius nodded."Definitely."nodded,smiling back at her.Lizzy laughed and gave Sirius a peck on the lip before standing up with Sirius standing up after.The two interlocked hands,walking back up to the magnificent castle.

The two sat in the common room,right by the fire on a love seat.They were cuddled against each other.Lizzy fiddled with her promise ring that glinted gold,reflecting the roaring fire before them.She lay on Sirius' chest,that rose up and back down as he breathed.Lizzy looked up from her her ring and into Sirius' stormy grey eyes that captivated her each and every time.

"Sirius."Lizzy whispered.Sirius hummed in response as he kissed her temple lovingly.

"What are we going to do?When we graduate.Voldemort's still after me.And he'll be after us."She whispered."He'll be after our kids."she whispered,choking a little.

Sirius frowned."That won't make me love you any less,Lizzy.That will only make me want to protect you even more.I knew from the start what was to be expected when I started fancying you.And most importantly,when I made the decision to date you."Sirius whispered,hugging her tighter towards him.

"Don't you ever think I would let you go one step of the way without me.I'll always be right by your side.Whether it be danger or come death's way.I'll always be there for you.Don't you forget that ever."He finished,giving her a peck on the lip.

Lizzy nodded."Thank You,Sirius."

Sirius chuckled."Always."He whispered,kissing her forehead.


Peter Pettigrew sat in a dark corner with his head in his hands.His potions book lay before him.He was not relatively good at potions and he was not afraid to admit it.He knew he wasn't a potions master like Severus.He groaned as he tugged at his sandy brown hair.

"Just piss off,Severus!"

Peter crept around the wall,finding James and Lily with Severus in what he could tell was more likely a heated argument.He k ew for a fact that Lily and Severus hadn't been on speaking terms since late sixth year.And so,it confused Peter as to why they were with Severus.Probably just bumped into him,he guessed.

"Honestly,Severus.Just go away.Go with your group of maniac friends."Lily spat.

"Lily,I apologize.Please,forgive me."Severus begged.Lily stuck her nose up in the air as she averted her gaze from Severus.

"You think I would forgive you?What?After you call me such a foul name for something as simple as spend one day with James and the boys?What is so wrong about making other friends,Severus?"Lily spoke,pain evident in her voice.

Severus looked heartbroken but,as he opened his mouth,James beat him to it.

"Don't you get it,Snivellus?She doesn't want to talk to you.Just piss off and leave us alone."James said,glaring intently at Severus.

Severus scowled."Fine.Go date Potter,Evans.Your no importance to me,such foul mudbloods don't even belong here.Go spend your life with Potter and die for all I care."He spat,turning on his heel with his nose high in the air.

Lily's eyes watered as she stared at where Severus once stood,mouth agape.And slowly,but surely,tears started to fall down her rosy cheeks and splattering onto the floor.James hugged her sympathetically as he whispered soothing and comforting words.

As soon as Severus turned around a corner,he cracked.He never knew he would say such harsh things to his only true friend.Lily had been his childhood best friend and crush.And now,to know that she may never forgive him,broke his heart.He never wanted to say it.But it just came pouring out of his mouth.And,he only then realized what grave of a mistake he made.He looked back around the corner to see Lily sobbing uncontrollably in none other than the arms of his sworn nemesis,James Potter.

He scowled,why couldn't she be in his arms seeking comfort from him?Why did it have to be Potter?Why did Potter have to ruin everything?He strangled back a sob that threatened to escape his mouth.No.He will be strong.There was no way Lily would forgive him now.He then continued walking towards the moving staircase towards the dungeon.With his eyes cold and void of emotion and a scowl plastered on his face.But one thing's for sure.That he knew would never return to him.

And that was Lily.

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