Chapter 3

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The full moon shone brightly above Hogwarts.Lizzy was with Josh in the shrieking shack.She'd been sitting on the rooftop awaiting her brother's agonizing screams to die down.Screams she could have prevented.Had she not forgotten the moonbane potion.

She ran.Towards the shrieking shack.She had just finished her homework and it was time.Time to go to her brother's aid.But,she felt as though she'd forgotten something.Glancing up at the moon,her eyes widened.She forgot to grab it.The moonbane potion.It lay on her bedside table.

Shit.She had cussed.She transformed into her animagi form,flapping her wings up to the Gryffindor tower.She flew through the window,placing the chain in her beak as she soared down to the shrieking shack.But,she was too late.Agonizing screams were heard.And tears,started ro fall.It was her fault.

She'd been allowed to follow her brother.On one condition,she had to be in her animagi form and stay out of the transformation.It was a gruesome process.It was also something that she was pained to see.Though she wanted to stay with her brother for the whole night.She stayed outside willingly.Away from seeing her brother's pained expressions.

Dumbledore gave me the shrieking shack along with another werewolf.Her brother had said.But,what was most peculiar was the fact that she hadn't seen the other werewolf.Surely he hadn't changed inside Hogwarts so where could he be?She pushed away the thought,her focus was her pained brother and she intended to keep it that way.

She listened closely to the groans die down.She jumped off the roof and turned into a bird before hitting the ground.She was a white falcon with golden blonde feathers here and there.She flew in the window,landing on the couch near her brother.She chirped worriedly,eyeing her brother.

That's how it'd been all night.She watched her brother rip and throw things around the shack.What Lizzy thought was the once beautiful red velvet couch was torn,the mahogany coffee table thrown into the wall.

She stared at the scene before her,her brother was snoring softly on the floor,the sun starting to rise up in the horizon.

Lizzy had been up all night and she was exhausted.It was only Tuesday and she'd have no choice but to endure her classes for the day.She had potions for first period.She groaned,she adored potions.Heck she even had her father and mother home school her for most of the subjects.But,she wasn't all too fond of her teacher,Horace Slughorn.

He had a very different but weird way of teaching potions.She had nothing against him.Yes,but she found herself topping that class along with charms and transfiguration class,earning praises from McGonagall,Horace Slughorn and Professor Flitwick.

She plopped down beside Lily as James and Peter came in through the doors.

"Hello,Evans."James beamed.Lily snorted,"hello,James."he winced at her coldness.He sucked in a breath and sat behind us.Professor Slughorn came in Now,I'd like all of you to recall what we've done yesterday and write an essay on it.It is to be handed by the end of the lesson."

Potions went by and it was time for transfiguration with Professer McGonagall.Lizzy saw Sirius up ahead,she'd quicken her pace as she fell into step beside him.

"How are you,Lizzy?"He asked,his eyes not leaving the crowded path ahead.She shrugged,her eyes up ahead."Just peachy."Sirius' eyes flickered to Lizzy's and back to the crowded corridor.They soon made it to the class.Making their way behind and plopping themselves on the vacant seats beside each other.

Transfiguration,according to Lizzy was boring.She sighed exasperatedly and faced Sirius whom was trying in vain to turn the apple into a book.She held in a laugh,flicking her own wand in the direction of the apple,turning it into a brown leather bound book.Sirius cried out in Victory,pumping his fists into the air.

Lizzy giggled"Congrats,Sirius."Sirius grinned,color rising to Lizzy's cheeks.

"Ms Daelynn,a word,please."McGonagall called from the front of the classroom.Lizzy's giggles stopped,all heads turning towards Lizzy.She stood up and walked down the isle,she heard sniggering from her left where Snivellus and Malfoy sat."Ooh...she's in trouble~"they taunted,more sniggering.She glared but continued walking down the isle.

When she reached the professor,she led her out into the empty corridors.

McGonagall turned towards Lizzy."Ms Daelynn,I know of what you did for Sirius and that's very sweet of you but,that is not what we are here to discuss,"Lizzy stood there looking questionably ate her professor."What would you like to discuss,professor?"

"I'd like to discuss your powers,Lizzy dear."Lizzy stood rooted to the ground.Surely she hadn't subconsciously let her powers go.Had she?Her mother would surely have told them of her powers.

"Professor,If I may ask.How'd you come to know of my powers.I haven't told anyone but Sirius."

The old professor smiled warmly"My dear,through your parents of course.It has come to my attention that you have great power.I have been ordered by Albus to give you lessons on how to control this power."

Lizzy smiled gratefully at the professor before her.She nodded her head."Thank you."

She then proceeded back into the classroom-grinning widely,with the professor in tow.

"Alright class,stop staring and get beck to your work!"she scolded.The grinning Lizzy sat herself beside Sirius once more.He stole a glance at the beaming girl,happily transfigurating the items before her.

"What in Merlin's beard are you smiling about?Is it the end of the world?Because I sure as heck don't think that is worth smiling about."He said.

Lizzy turned towards the black haired boy with stormy grey eyes beside her."Nothing.Its nothing really."she smiled.Sirius nodded slowly and got back to concentrating on the object before him.Lizzy giggled softly as she looked at her hands.

The soft chimes of the school bell sounded.Lizzy stood up and stretched.A small yawn escaping her mouth."C'mon Liz.Its Lunch break!"James cheered childishly.Remus caught up with them in the corridor,shaking his head in disapproval but a smile plastered on his face.

Lizzy smiled as she raced Sirius to the tree where they always hung out during Lunch and breakRemus,Peter and James sniggering behind them as they slowly made their way."Love birds."they mumbled,chuckling as the two ran off together.Peter found himself feeling...jealous but happy for the two.

He loved her.He was sure of it.But,what good was he compared to Sirius?Sirius could give her anything.But he,could not.Besides,he was sure that Sirius wouldn't let Lizzy go after he realized his feelings.He sighed softly he knew he'd lost her heart the moment Lizzy laid eyes on Sirius.It was hopeless.

The three boys reached the tree soon enough but found it weird that Lizzy and Sirius weren't there.

"Their probably snogging in a broom closet or something."James joked.Remus nodded while Peter remained as he was,unmoving."That's very mean..."Lizzy said,pouting but heat rising up to her cheeks.She jumped from the tree branch she had been perching on.

"Where's Sirius?"Remus asked."Over here!"a voice came behind them.They whirled around to find Sirius' arms filled with treats from Lunch.He handed them out to his friends and sitting down on the lush green grass.Lizzy sat beside him.She lay her head on Sirius' shoulder.Looking at the azure blue sky.She sighed."I wanna stay here forever."

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