Chapter 19

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Lizzy and her friends gathered around the Potter's snow white Christmas tree that was decorated with pine cones as well as fairy lights that circled the tree.The star hovering at the tip of the tree,shining brightly.

Lizzy first passed her gift to Mr and Mrs Potter who insisted she didn't have to get them gifts.

"Please.Its the least I could do."she said.

She then gave a red wrapped gift to Remus.3 muggle books were what he had gotten.She smiled softly as she grabbed a small box wrapped in green to Peter.

His eyes widened as he found a pure gold keychain that had a charm that read Wormtail in neat cursive."Thank you,Lizzy."she whispered,staring at the exquisite keychain in awe.

Lizzy turned to Sirius,a blush creeping up her cheeks,tinting her pale cheeks a rosy pink.

She handed him a oddly shaped white package.Sirius smiled gratefully as he ripped the present in anticipation.

His eyes widened as he eyed the long firebolt in his lap.He inspected the broom carefully.It had been carefully crafted.He turned the broom and grazed his fingers on the carving.

"Fly with your heart.-Lizzy"he read,smiling.The boys eyed the broom and then Lizzy whom tried to look innocent.

"What?"she beamed.The boys eyed her a second longer before bursting into a chatter about Quidditch and the upcoming game against Slytherin.

James' parents eyed the young first year peculiarly.

"Dearie."Euphemia started.Lizzy's eyes shifted to the mother,cocking her head to the side."Yes?I do hope that getting James a broom is no problem.Really.I don't mind-"she quickly added,eyes widening.

Euphemia smiled,laughing softly."Oh,no. As long as that didn't cost you too much.But,that's besides the point.What did you say your name was,darling?"Euphemia asked gently.Silence fell upon the room as they all turned their gaze to Lizzy.

A small smile appeared on Lizzy's lips as she spoke her name.She was not bragging and had no intention to do so.

"Lizzy Jenny Daelynn.Or now known as Lizbeth Jennifer Throne."she spoke softly.

Euphemia and Fleamont's breathes hitched as they suddenly came to realize that the princess was in their household.

"Oh good Merlin."Euphemia whispered."I deeply apologize for the mess of my-"Euphemia rambled."No.Really.Don't apologize.Treat me as you would any other guest.And please,I hope knowing of my status won't change how you look at me or treat me for that matter.Treat me like how you would treat James' friends."she said.

A wide smile appeared on the parents' faces as they nodded at the young princess.She had so much weight on her shoulders.The expectations of the wizarding world lay on her shoulders as well as the family name to uphold.And yet,she could still uphold her family name and keep a beautiful smile that could easily light up the dark.Many people admired Lizzy for that.Especially those she held close to her.And,the parents of James Potter was no exception.

Lizzy turned her gaze back to her friends who have stopped midway unwrapping their gifts.She raised an eyebrow.

"Well?Go on.Continue unwrapping those gifts!"she smiled.

Her friends spared no time unwrapping their gifts while Lizzy stared at her pile of wrapped gifts from her friends that she hadn't touched at all.And as soon as the boys had finished unwrapping their gifts,they looked peculiarly at Lizzy.

"Why haven't you opened your gifts?"Fleamont asked.

Lizzy raised her head to face James' dad.

" see I think its rather impolite to unwrap your gifts in front of the givers.Especially since I had gotten used to it over the past couple years."She said softly.

They exchanged glances and Mrs Potter chose to speak up.

"Well,we're certainly not your parents.And I do think that we deserve a little reaction from you.Hm?Now go on Lizzy dear.Open up the gifts."she said gently.

Lizzy stared at her pile a little longer before she took a gift into her hands.It was wrapped rather beautifully with sparkly red wrapping paper.A golden bow placed neatly on the top.Remus' name written clearly in neat cursive on a small card.She unwrapped the gift carefully as they all leaned slightly forward in anticipation of Lizzy's reaction.

She smiled as she held up a muggle book about muggles' interpretation of magic.

She placed the books carefully to the side and took a slightly larger gift with Euphemia and Fleamont's names written on the top.She unwrapped it a little faster this time to reveal a photo of the five friends sitting at the table and laughing merrily in the great hall.She smiled fondly at the memory.It was taken not long before winter break.

She then took a rather small package wrapped in Silver wrappings.James' name was written messily on the top in his barely legible handwriting.She took out a chain with the letters J for James,R for Remus,P for Peter,S for Sirius and a heart covered in diamonds with a letter L in the middle for Lizzy.

"Awww."she cooed."Thanks for the gifts.Really.I appreciate it."She said before James took the chain from her and clasped it around her thin wrist.Sirius then took her hand and gave the back of her hand a gentle kiss,causing Lizzy's face to heat up and turn a light shade of pink.

"I still have my gift to give you.Follow me."I whispered,helping her up and leading her up the stairs to my temporary bedroom in the Potter Manor.I dug into my trunk for my gift while she situated herself on my white duvet.I stood up and stood in front of her and knelt down on one knee.

"Lizbeth Jennifer Throne.There are so many words to describe you and yet,I can only think of one word I would like to call you.For the past three months,you have shown us how kind and caring you are.But,you have shown me the most beautiful personality a girl could have.Its to make one fall in love.The strength and courage you have shown throughout these past 3 months is admirable."he paused,opening up the cover of  the tiny box to reveal a beautiful rose gold ring with diamonds decorating the beautiful jewelry.Lizzy covered her mouth with her hand as she stared at the ring then at Sirius.

"Will you do me the honors and be my girlfriend?"he whispered.Mrs Potter held a camera in hand while Remus smiled at Sirius.Happy that he had finally mustered up the courage to ask Lizzy out.Lizzy stared at the people standing at the doorway,eagerly awaiting her response then down at Sirius whom was still kneeling down on one knee.

"I-I...I'm sorry,Sirius.We're still young.Maybe one day.I seriously return the feelings.I just wanna wait it out ya?See what life has in store for us.Just wait a little longer Sirius,one day,I will accept your request and be your girlfriend.Maybe after I finally get used to everything."she said softly giving him a peck on the cheek before standing up to leave,heading towards the doorway.

Sirius stared at the floor blankly and then stood up.A hurt look on his face.His friends walked towards him and gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"She'll accept you one day Sirius.She said it herself.After she settles down from all her family drama."Mrs Potter said softly.Sirius nodded weakly.

"And I'll wait for her patiently until the day comes."he whispered,a small smile on his face.

His friends as well as the Potter's all smiled and left Sirius,going off to their own business.

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