Chapter 4

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Lizzy's eyes fluttered open.Sirius and Remus were staring down at her.James and Peter standing at the doorway,blocking the protesting girls.

Lizzy's eyes widened,blushing as she scrambled to stand up.Falling on her bottom instead.She quickly stood up,straightening her night gown as well as flattening her bed hair.

Her face colored up from embarrassment.The boys simply watched the blonde beauty with amused faces."W-what are you doing here?No.Don't answer that.How did you even get in the girls dorm?"she stuttered.

The boys grinned mischievously."Its a secret."they chorused.

Lizzy eyed them curiously.Nodding her head."Alright.Now,get out before I call professor.And please,let Lily and Skye in."she said,shooing them our of their dorm room.

Lily and Skye came in through the mahogany doors grumbling about how inconsiderate they were.Lizzy giggled softly,throwing herself back on her soft bed."Lizzy."the red head called.Lizzy simply hummed in response."I don't get what you see in them.Their like...hooligans.Running around and making a fool of themselves.To add to it,their arrogant."

Lizzy shrugged,smiling softly."You have to look at it in a different angle.Where you'll see them as kind,innocent boys.Besides,I love them for them.Hooligans or not.I still love them,""but-"Lily started."but you have to give them a chance,Lily.Especially James."she finished.Lily rolled her eyes,scoffing."Never."Skye nodded in agreement,keeping quiet the whole time.

Lizzy sighed.It was hopeless,these two."Whatever."she muttered,walking out the dorm room,her while and gold lined bag slung over one shoulder,her white dress hidden underneath her Gryffindor robes but her white flats clicking faintly on the cobblestone floors.

The girls watched in silence as she rounded the corner,disappearing from view.They stood up as well,slinging their bags over their shoulders as they headed down for breakfast.

The great hall was buzzing with excitement.Halloween was tomorrow and the hall was already decorated with pumpkins and spiders.Lizzy looked around in awe.Nearly headless nick floating about scaring students.The bloody baron gloating about how proud he was to be in Slytherin in his years.

"Lizzy!Over here!"a familiar voice shouted from across the room.She grinned to herself.Sirius.She walked over to the boys,sitting down on the in the middle of Peter and Sirius.James and Remus sat across from them,talking about the halloween dance tomorrow night.She felt herself smiling widely as she watched her friends laugh and talk about randomness.

"Why are you smiling?"Remus asked.The boys went silent as they awaited her answer with curiosity.Lizzy shrugged"Nothing really.Its just that you guys are fun and awesome to be with I don't understand what the others mean by silly arrogant jerks.You are the complete opposite."

"You guys are fun,lovable and charming boys.I don't see any arrogant or naïve boys."she smiled.The buys blushed slightly."Thank you,Liz.It means a lot to us."James said.The others nodding in agreement.

Sirius tapped Lizzy on the shoulder."Can to you?"he asked.Lizzy nodded."In private."he finished.Lizzy nodded again,standing up and slinging her bag on her shoulders again before walking outside the great doors.

" would like to ask you to the Hallo-Library to study with me."he said.He was embarrassed of asking Lizzy to the Halloween ball.Lizzy,not taking notice,nodded."Sure.Meet you at Lunch?"Sirius nodded,smiling slightly.The two went back back inside the great hall for breakfast.

The group continued.Talking about Halloween and about Christmas break that was also a month and a half away.

The chimes of the bell were heard as professors and students filtered out of the great hall for classes.Both parties excited for the Halloween ball.Classes,however was dismissed early so as to prepare and go shopping for their dresses and robes for the event tomorrow.

Lily,Skye and Lizzy walked side by side,gushing about what to wear to the Halloween ball.

"I want to wear black.Oh!And a black feather mask lined with gold!"Lizzy squealed.Lily and Skye nodded."Like a masquerade?"Lily questioned.Lizzy and Skye nodding enthusiastically.

The girls rushed back to the dorm,shouting the password to the fat lady as she swung open with protests of how they shouldn't be yelling the password out loud.They giggled as they ran up the stairs to the girls dormitories and slamming the doors shut behind them.They inhaled deeply,calming themselves down before they got started on finding their dresses in their trunks.

Lizzy pulled out her black,strapless knee length black dress that flared out at the waist.Diamonds adorning the Navy blue silk sash at the waist.Her mother had insisted she pack something for the ball and her mother sure didn't hesitate on spending galleons for the dress.She then pulled out black lace high heeled shoes as well as her black feather mask.

Lily,pulled out a red lace dress,also reaching just above her knees.She then pulled out her black flats and her white mask that was lined with silver.

Skye was also rummaging through her trunk for her black dress that went just beyond the knees,gold lining the dress as well as sequence.Giving the dress and exquisite look.Her navy blue diamond embedded mask and her black flats,a black ribbon carefully placed on the front.

The girls smiled,content with their dresses for the ball.It was not much but it was something.Now,all they had to do was think of their hairstyle.

Remus and the boys had pulled out their robes as well as their black shoes ages ago.Now,they were sitting on their beds doing their own things in pure silence.

Sirius looked up from his prank kit from Zonko's as he broke the overwhelming silence."What do you think Lizzy would be wearing?"the boys smirked knowingly but looked up from what they were doing.Remus spoke up."Well,she said it was gonna be a surprise.She wouldn't say a peep."

Sirius nodded,pondering on how Lizzy would look like.He shrugged it off as he continued planning out for a prank he and James would play on Snivellus.

The soft chimes of the bell chimed midnight.The boys,still awake felt their eyelids drooping ever so slowly.Sleep caught up to them as they fell into slumber,unable to make it to their beds.

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