Chapter 14

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A/N:Thanks to WattIsAlex for the wonderful cover!She is a really good friend and I suggest that you go over to her account and follow her for lovely covers.

As the scarlet red train of Hogwarts came to an abrupt halt,the Throne twin's parents appeared.Their exquisite clothing giving them a luxurious aura.Emma Throne's white and gold dress swished around her as she puled her glasses off her face,her beautiful face exposed to the world.They were here to fetch Lizzy despite the stress at the ministry.

Lex Throne gave his wife a small smile and clutched her hand lovingly.Giving it a reassuring squeeze.Their son had come back home.Hence the reason they had come-other than seeing their daughter,of course.

Excitement filled up the couple as the train doors opened,students filing out of the train,ecstatic to be on break before school resumed.

Cheers,laughter and farewells were heard in the air as some parents welcomed their kids warmly with friends saying their goodbyes for the break.

The Throne parents waited patiently yet eagerly for their children and because they had some news for their kids.

With kids flooding out of the train,came Lizzy and Josh.The parents rushed to give their kids a quick hug and a peck on the cheek.Tears welled up in Emma's eyes as she saw her son.His blonde hair and green eyes had been just how they remembered it.

His mother and father gave them one last hug before they apparated to the Daelynn Manor.The twins placed their trunks upstairs before heading back down into the main living room.

Their parents had been seated with a cup of coffee placed on the coffee table,steam rising into the air.The addicting smell of coffee wafting throughout the house.

The twins sat in front of their parents,ready for the discussion that was to commence.

The parents were nervous to break the news out but decided to nonetheless.They took in a sharp intake of a breath.

"We have decided to tell the wizarding world about the Royal family."Emma paused,biting her lip and glancing at her husband."That...that the Royal Family lives."Lex continued.

The twins looked at their parents wide-eyed."What in the name of merlin...Mom!What made you and dad come to that!You know-""We know its against the family law.But,it has been centuries.And as the Queen and King of Magic,we have decided to do so."Her father said.

Lizzy sighed,leaning against the back rest.She remembered about Riddle and decided to bring it up.

"Mom,dad.I have something to tell you."she whispered.Her voice was barely audible but their parents looked up from their cup of coffee.Her mother raised and eyebrow awaiting an explanation.She breathed in and began to explain.

"Tom Riddle,Voldemort,as many know him.Found out about our secret.He found out about us.About the Royal family.And..."she trailed off,tears starting to well up.She sniffed,wiping her tears.

"He plans to force me to join them.I don't know what I'm gonna do!"she sobbed.Her parents furrowed their eyebrows,worried for their daughter while Josh rubbed her back comfortingly."You're going to be fine,Lizzy.We won't let him take you."Her father said.

She ran to her parents,giving them a hug."But you don't understand!Mom,Dad!He'a going to kill you if I don't join the dark side!He's gonna kill everyone I love!I can't let him kill you!"She said.

"You can't die!Please...I won't let you die."she whimpered.

Her parents looked at each other,sighing but agreed."Alright.But,promise me.Promise me that you wouldn't let him touch us.Promise me you will try to avoid him at all costs,avoid going to the dark side."Her father said.She nodded."Okay."she said before standing up and excusing herself,Josh following after.

Lizzy threw herself on her bead,burying her face in her pink pillow and crawling under the baby pink duvet.She felt the bed sink on her left and rolled over.

"Oh Josh,what am I going to do?I can't let them hurt you."She whimpered.Josh lay down beside his sister.

"Its going to be fine.Promise.I won't let them touch us.Besides,you still have 6 years to think about it."he said.Lizzy sat up,nodding her head before giving her twin a hug."Thank you."she whispered before standing up and heading to the bathroom.

Sirius strolled through the gloomy hallways of Grimmauld Place.His parents were out doing the biddings of Voldemort,leaving him and his little brother,Regulus home alone.Sirius has avoided his brother up till now and meant to keep it that way for the whole winter break.

Regulus had often reminded him that being in Gryffindor already made the "Noble" House of Black deem him as a blood traitor for the whole Black family had been in Slytherin for countless generations.And what more,Regulus had the lime light.His family adored him for being the perfect child he could not be.

And honestly?He didn't mind.As long as his friends were with him,he was happy.But,what made him happier,was Lizzy.He cared not if she was the Princess Of Magic.He only cared if Lizzy was with him.

Sirius had planned to stay away from everyone in the household.But,it seemed impossible seeing as his cousins would be arriving.Regulus may not have been to Hogwarts and sorted,but he knew that he would be in Slytherin.It was a given.However though,the taunting voice of Bellatrix rang in his head.

Bellatrix Black was his seemingly perfect cousin.With her beautiful facial features and being in Slytherin,it was no doubt she that was perfect.What saddened him,however was that amongst all that perfection,she was a dear follower of The Dark Lord himself and had a love interest in him.

Then again,he couldn't care less about anyone in the House of Black.All he cared about,since going to Hogwarts anyways was his friends,and Lizzy's well being.

And boy,couldn't he wait for Winter break to end,longing to see his friends,and Lizzy of course.

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