Chapter 32

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No words could really describe how relieved her friends were when told that she was home with Sirius,safe and sound, unharmed.Which honestly, seemed to pit them at ease.If anything, they wouldn't let Lizzy out of their sight.Not even Sirius.Hs clung onto her as if fearing she would disappear at a moments distraction.

But really?Lizzy couldn't complain.She'd been away for so long all she could do was allow them to be clingy and bask in their love and warmth.She couldn't have it any better way though, this was something she wouldn't usually allow them to do.

But as of now, Lizzy and Sirius lay in their cloud-like bed with the sun landing Lizzy's blonde hair and giving her the golden glow.Sirius stared into her blue orbs as she stared into his grey ones.She smiled softly, closing her eyes."Morning."She mumbled, snuggling closer to Sirius and burying her head in his chest, curling up beside him.Sirius kissed her forehead tenderly and closed his eyes as well.

"Morning,love."he whispered.

They stayed in that position for a few more minutes and Sirius circled his arms lovingly around her waist, the other caressing her head.

"What time is it?"She asked, looking up at Sirius.

He shrugged."Probably noon."

Lizzy's eyes widened and she threw off their duvet and sat up, staring at the digital wall clock and sure enough, it was noon.She let out a string of profanities as she slid out of bed and rushed into the bathroom.She had a meeting with the Ministry in about ten minutes regarding her "stay" at the hideout.

Sirius sat up and watched Lizzy with an amused grin as profanities tumbled out of her mouth.

She hastily zipped up her dress and caught Sirius staring at her on the bed.

"Get up!Your coming with me.Now.To the Ministry."Lizzy said as she struggled to pull her hair into a ponytail with a hair ribbon.Sirius chuckled and got off the bed, throwing on a simple shirt and black pants.

"Remember,darling,boys take lesser time to get ready."

Lizzy sighed exasperatedly and dragged Sirius out the house and apparated to the Ministry as soon as they were on the road.

Lizzy and Sirius emerged from the secluded alley way hand in hand.Honestly?They didn't want to go to the Ministry.All they wanted to do was stay home and cuddle.But the Ministry insisted they come.Important matters to discuss.Coronations to discuss.Life threatening matters to discuss.But really,was there ever a day,a week or even a year they were left in peace with no visits to the hospital wing in Hogwarts or St Mungos for injuries?When was there ever even peace?No.So really this has turned into such a common thing that it made Lizzy wonder could it even be an important and urgent matter anymore?

The slight frown on her face and the crinkle of her nose made Sirius chuckle.He knew how much she despised the Ministry.Always delaying matters and never taking into account how important anything was.Delaying matters till everything falls into chaos and havoc.Until everything they worked so hard for fell apart in mere seconds.They never trusted anyone's judgement which would eventually lead to their downfall.Leading to gruesome and unnecessary sacrifices of innocent witches and wizards.

And still,the Minister sits in the Ministry sitting idly and making last minute rash decisions.And Sirius knew all of that.Sirius loathed the Ministry and he wasn't afraid to show it.In fact,the hatred that clouded his eyes and the suffocating air around him whenever near the Ministry had to be evidence enough.

Sirius squeezed her hands reassuringly.Lizzy nodded as they entered the phone booth that lead down to the Ministry.

"Good morning Miss Throne."The receptionist greeted blankly.Lizzy rolled her eyes but forced a smile as she weaved through the crowd and into a rather large room with a vast ceiling and tall marble pillars.

There sat the Minister,Millicent Bagnold with her head held high and she seemed seemingly smug she had Lizzy to come over on such short notice.Sirius narrowed his eyes at the stuck-up woman that sat on her throne like chair.

Lizzy joined in as she sat on her chair.A simple stool compared to the enormous chair of the Minister.Sirius grumbled a string of profanities as he sat beside Lizzy on his own chair.

"Good afternoon Miss-"

"Mrs."Sirius corrected with a smirk.

"Yes.Of course.Mrs Throne."Millicent said with a irritated glance at Sirius.Lizzy smiled and placed a hand on Sirius lap and shook her head slightly.As if telling him not to say anything.Sirius pouted but obediently remained silent.

"As I was saying..."She trailed off,glancing at Sirius with narrowed,challenging eyes that dared him to speak.But true to his unspoken word,he remained silent.

"In light of the recent events of your...kidnapping.It is my deepest regret we failed to find you at a much earlier date and in a more efficient manner."She said.

"I'll say."Sirius grumbled.

"But,I must discuss your coronation-"

"If that's all we are to discuss then I must leave.For I do not care what you have planned as long as it is simple and elegant.For this is not my Forte and simply isn't my job.I have more important matters to attend to now that I am back and this."she said pointing at the table.

"Is the reason why I have someone working with you for the coronation so anything directly related to the coronation will be related to her.And unless there will be a change of plans,I will not discuss this matter of my coronation any longer."Lizzy finished.

"Yes,of course."Millicent said.

"If there is no other matter to discuss I will take my leave."Lizzy said.

Millicent shook her head and Lizzy walked out of the door with a swoosh of her skirt.She grabbed Sirius' hand and disapparated out of the Ministry and back into their house.

Lizzy collapsed on her bed and draped her arm over her face.She felt the mattress sink beside her as warm breaths tickled her neck.She smiled as she placed her arms beside her and turned to face the grinning Sirius.

"Told you we shouldn't have gone."Sirius grumbled as he pulled her closer by the waist.

"I know."She mumbled as she buried her face in his chest.

"Say it."Sirius smirked.

"You're right."She smiled,giving him a small kiss.

Lizzy moved to a sitting position against the headboard as she pulled Sirius' head onto her lap where he lay with his eyes closed and a contented smile as she weaved her hands through his hair.They were comfortable and happy.Her friends were safe from harm.She knew that much.Lily and James were expecting a baby sometime July.Time was passing by quickly.Yet,seemingly quite slowly.She knew for a fact that one day,she would like a child of her own.One day.Where she and Sirius would grow old together watching their children laugh and play.Get married.Have children of their own and so on.She would cherish every moment they had before they died and lived on in a different place.With immortal lives and watch their family prosper from above.

But right now,death sounded too common for her liking.She surely hoped that death wouldn't claim her family or friends too soon.But who could control the fates of life?Not even she could.Everyone would come and go.That's how life worked.

She continued stroking and weaving her hands through Sirius' hair as he took out his wand and created animals that danced around in the air.Much like the Patronus Charm.But,much smaller and easier to conjure.

Animals danced and pranced about the room and the couple watched them with envy.They were free.They were happy.Which didn't seem right amongst all the chaos.But they could only hope that peace would drape over them soon.The longing peace everyone longs for.But for now,they had to fight.Fight for the peace and hope for the best.

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