Chapter 23

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This is for my friend,WattIsAlex whose Birthday is today!Happy Birthday!

Their results for their end of year exams came by and Lizzy was proud to say she got mostly "Outstandings"for her exams.The year had certainly flown by quicker than she would have expected and now it was time to go out there in the world.But,graduating from school of course also meant she would have to face Voldemort sooner.

She sighed longingly as she thought of the years that had flown by.And mostly, how she met the boys, and importantly,Sirius.She smiled fondly at the black haired boy beside her as she remembered his immature ways not too long ago.

"What are you smiling at, Lizzy?"Sirius asked, giving her a kiss on the cheek as he snaked an arm around her.

"You."She smiled, picking up a treacle tart from the dining table.Lizzy giggled as Sirius tickled her."Stop!"she laughed.And when Sirius did stop tickling Lizzy,she stood up and waved her hand, the plates then floated into the sink and washed themselves.She then proceeded over to the dark living room and sat in front of the fireplace, the bright orange light illuminated her face, making her seem even more beautiful than she already was.Sirius sat beside her as she rested her head on his chest, that rose up and down as he breathed.Lizzy rose her hands and waved them around in the air as she played around with he fire.

She and Sirius had finally graduated and were living peacefully as of now.No one knew where they lived for they had moved house to somewhere more discreet.And all of this was a precaution they had from Voldemort.

Sure,they weren't scared of Voldemort and everyone knew so.But,theybwere scared of what may happen to their friends if they told them of where they lived.But,they knew their house wouldn't be safe for long for even at Hogwarts,Voldemort could appear.And the couple knew that no place was safer than Hogwarts itself.

Lizzy stared at the new gleaming ring on her finger that Sirius had replaced with and engagement ring as her graduation gift.She smiled fondly at it as her hands stoped waving in the air, instead caressing the ring on her ring finger.


Lily and James sat under a tree in Godric's Hollow.Their hands intertwined and Lily's head rested on his shoulder as they watched the sun set in the Horizon.Lily however raised her head when she felt James shift.Lily raised her eyebrows at him but soon, her eyes went wide instead as she realised what he was doing.

James bent down on one knee as he pulled out a small ring case from his pocket.

"Lily Evans,you are the most beautiful and talented person I know.You're so caring and kind that sometimes, people hat you for it.I have loved you ever since the day I met you.And right then and there I knew I had to make you mine and marry you one day.So,"he paused, opening the ring case to reveal a beautiful rose gold ring with diamond surrounding the ring with a slightly larger diamond at the front.

Lily's hands flew to her mouth as she gasped,tears pooling at her eyes as she stood up, gazing down at James.

"Would you do me the honours and make me the happiest man alive and Marry me?"He continued, smiling at the red haired girl before her.

Lily nodded her head, smiling brightly."Yes."She then brought forward her left hand as James slipped the ring on her ring finger.He gave the cold metal a kiss before standing up and giving Lily a kiss on the lip.

the moment was perfect.The sun continued to set, the sky turning a darker shade of orange as time flew by.And everything seemed perfect.Or so they thought.

There Severus was.Standing in the hideout of Voldemort as he stood proudly amongst the different age groups of death eaters.He had joined his ranks not long after graduating.And after seeing Lily beaming a she turned away to a new life with James and her friends.And what broke him most was the fact that she hadn't spared a glance at him when they passed by each other and when they parted ways at King's Cross station.She hadn't looked back.All she did was smile at James and her new friends that he had been replaced by.She smiled.But it wasn't directed towards him.She laughed.But not along with him.And that was all because of one word.That one word was the most hurtful and heartbreaking of them all.Mudblood.

And though he had moved on,there was not a passing moment that hadn't been wasted thinking  about Lily and their relationship if he hadn't called her such a foul name.


Remus stayed in his house in a muggle town.And to be quite frank, it was where he grew up-well,close to where he grew up in anyways-employment had been hard for him, seeing that he was in fact a werewolf.But,the stock of wolf's bane potion that Lizzy had made for him not too ago had helped him and had given him at least a decent paying job.And Remus was ever so grateful for Lizzy's help.

Tonight was supposed to be when he would transform.But,with the help of the wolf's bane potion, he would not transform, but only feel slightly sick and nauseous.After allot was preventing a transformation.

He sighed, closing the book shut.It was already dark and yet, he was still awake.He couldn't seem to fall asleep,he wasn't tired in the least bit.In fact,he was wide awake.

He frowned.It had to be the side effects of taking the Wolf's bane potion.But,his eyebrows furrowed.Yet,it couldn't be side effects.He had been taking the potion of years now.And there was never a night he couldn't sleep when he took the potion.So what could be happening?He shrugged off the feeling as he headed deeper into his house and into his bedroom.He lay on the bed.It was probably around 10:36pm.He would have a very long night before him and decided against sitting on the bed and ogling as time ticked by slowly.He grabbed for his book he had placed on his nightstand on his way in and opened the book to where he last stopped.

He found the book quite interesting really,it was a book titled "The Hunger Games."It was fascinating that a muggle could write such detailed stories that were non existent.

He read the book with much interest.And when by the time he reached the last page,it was about 3am.However,he was in a way sad.Sad that the book had ended.He reached for another book.

And funny enough,it wasn't a book.But rather a photo album of him and his friends.He smiled fondly as he started flipping through the pages.

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