Chapter 30

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Lily sat on the chair of Dumbledore's office with Remus and James at her side.

"Now,I understand Lizzy has ran away and I assure you that you have no reason to worry."Dumbledore said calmly.

"No reason to-How can we have no reason to worry?Lizzy is to claim the throne in about a week and she's my wife!Don't you dare try to sugarcoat the situation and what could be at stake here."Sirius yelled.Lily and James placed a reassuring hand on each of his shoulders.At the same time restraining his from pouncing on Dumbledore.

Dumbledore's eyes were anything but happy or joyful.In fact it was rather solemn and remorseful.He knew fairly well that Lizzy would eventually try to fight Tom on her own.And yet,he never expected her to surrender to him fully for the sake of her friends and family.He knew she would put others before herself.

Dumbledore sighed.He Ministry was in a frenzy setting up search groups to search for Lizzy.They had much to prepare for her coronation of becoming queen.And at this point,they weren't sure whether or not they would have a coronation at all.Seeing that she was missing and Josh had declined the throne,insisting that his sister was the rightful heir.

"I know that you are desperate to keep your wife safe,Sirius.And,I will personally help with the search.You must understand that we are doing everything in our power to look for her."

"What you and the Ministry are doing clearly isn't enough now is it?Seeing that it has been over a week and she still hasn't been found!"Sirius yelled.

Dumbledore led Sirius and Remus out the office door to discuss something important.Also,for Sirius to compose himself.Dumbledore returned and sat at his desk again,beckoning James and Liky to sit on the plush chairs before him.Dumbledore solemnly turned to Lily and James.

"I'll ensure your safe.And please,listen.Its for your own good.I have a house in Godric's Hollow that I want you to stay there.Much is at risk as it is."Dumbledore said,glancing at Lily's flat stomach and hen at her wedding ring that glinted when the beams of moonlight hit it.

"And I do believe that you want to keep your son safe from harm?"He said,smiling softly at Lily and James' gaping mouths.

"Therefore I ask of you to ensure his safety by going into hiding.It nay not do much but you will have a secret keeper.I do also believe that the prophecy concerns your child.So take my advice and stay there.Away from all dangers."Dumbledore finished.

Lily and James looked at one another and hesitantly nodded.As absurd as it may have seemed,James and Lily never thought about hiding away.They didn't want to resort to hiding especially since it would limit what they could do.Much like in Sirius and Lizzy's situation.And yet,they knew they had to ensure the safety of their child and so,they decided to take Dumbledore's advice.Accepting the house in Godric's Hollow.

Dumbledore opened the doors to his office wig Lily and James coming out.The four friends quietly then ascended down the spiral stairs and out the Griffin statue that swerved out of the way allowing them to exit.

Two more friends going into hiding.One friend gone.One broken and one alone.Another friend disappeared.They didn't know how to deal with anything anymore.As far as they were concerned,everything was crumbling down before them.And everything was slowly breaking apart.Peter hadn't been seen ever since the wedding.Somehow just disappearing from their lives.Yet,not one of them noticed until that day.They however,shrugged it off for the meantime,knowing fully well more was at stake.There were far more concerning situations as of the moment and had no time to deal with Peter's life because he,unlike them,was safe while they were out in the open as potential targets and with Lizzy,the only concern of the wizarding world was to find her as soon as possible.


Peter walked towards a dark cave.His form was trembling but his friends had abandoned him.At least,that is what it felt like.He knew where Lizzy was.he knew where they kept her.He was there when she sparked Everblaze.He had always been there.He was there when she agreed to submit to him and join his ranks.He was there when everything happened.And yet,she hadn't realized he was there.Much like how all his other friends forgot he existed.He felt miserable and alone.He entered the cave and cold greeted him as torches lined the walls and not long after,a posh looking living space completed with plush cushions,crystal chandeliers,black and green carpets and two grand staircases.One leading up and one leading down deeper into the cave.The hideout was carved deep into the caves and the walls were-as he was told-impenetrable.

"Peter?"A soft and familiar voice called behind him.His eyes widened.He knew that soft and petite voice anywhere.And he couldn't stand to face her.Everything started to crumble.His body shook even more and his lips trembled,tears welling up in his eyes as he slowly turned to face the blonde haired beauty that stood in a pale pink dress with a short layered skirt.The bodice of her dress was sleeveless with however a sheer like sleeves running down her arms.She looked beautiful.Hell,she might as well have been the most beautiful girl alive.

Lizzy choked as he saw Peter.Her hand flew up to her mouth as she backed away,bumping into Tom who looked confused.She glanced between Tom and Peter and tears welled up in her eyes,flowing down her rosy cheeks as she turned around and ran away with her skirt whooshing around her.

That was it.The end of their friendship.Peter  knew this moment would come.But he didn't expect it to be so soon.In fact,he hoped that Lizzy would never find out her was working for them.His eyes flickered into Tom's eyes that were filled with rage.He bowed down hastily as he descended the grand staircase.Lizzy was treated like royalty.She was their most prized possession and the fact that he made her cry made Tom infuriated.He had been very overprotective of Lizzy in hoped that they could make her feel more wanted here that with them.So he knew what would come.He would be punished.With either the Cruciatus curse or...he doubted there was any other form of punishment that the Dark Lord would give other than the Cruciatus curse.And he also knew that Tom would have to obliviate her of him.Of this meeting.But obliviating Lizzy only meant that she would forget all memories of him.Of all his existence.And as much as it pained him to say or even accept it killed him inside.He had,after all did have a liking for the blonde haired girl.But,everything ended around him when the dark lord screamed one word.


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