Chapter 13

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Lizzy sat on the edge of her bed.Her trunk was packed and was beside her.The first train to King's Cross was in an hour and she had nothing to do.She leaned her head on the cold walls as she stared out the window.Snowflakes cascaded down to the already snow filled courtyard and she smiled softly.Skye was already out of the dormitory along with Lily.And Lizzy appreciated the much needed silence.

She had been thinking about Voldemort.And she was afraid to leave the safe heaven of Hogwarts' walls.She was not necessarily afraid of Voldemort.She was,after all more powerful than him in more ways than one.

She was afraid of going home.Her family's secrets have been exposed to her best friends and she feared what may happen if they had decided to cast her out of the Throne family tree.She feared being an outcast.Her greatest fear was being kicked out of the family.

She shuddered at the thought and stood up,her flats meeting with the floor and her white and gold dress swished behind her.She had braided her hair into a flower crown braid a few hours ago and looked stunning.She collected her trunk before heading downstairs to bid her friends farewell.

As she descended down the last few steps,she was engulfed in a warm hug.She wheezed for breath and hugged them back.Once they let go,she smiled."Its not the end you know.We'll see each other after break.No worries.I ain't going anywhere."she said.The boys stared at her."What if....What if you-know-who takes you?"Sirius whispered.Lizzy's face fell but returned to normal once again.She put on a small,but brave smile."You shouldn't worry about me.I still have 6 years.Besides,I have faith that you'll be by my side when that happens."she whispered,smiling at the boys.The boys looked at her.Her confidence was admirable.Yet,they all knew what she really felt.

Lizzy smiled as she stepped out of the Gryffindor common room.She had her trunk in hand as she made her way down the moving staircases.She knew someone was following her and decided to shrug it off.

She pushed open the great doors and entered the snow filled courtyard.She and her brother had decided to meet at the station after saying their farewells.The cold crisp morning breeze blew her hair back as she closed her eyes.She was leaving her somewhat safe heaven and was going back to her home in Daelynn Manor.Though,she had doubts her parents would be home.After all,they were busy people.Even before she went to Hogwarts,she would rarely see her father or mother.They were always occupied at The Ministry Of Magic.Leaving Lizzy home alone in the manor.She only ever had her house elf for company.

She sighed.She remembered those times when they were at home more often.They only buried themselves in work after Josh disappeared.She knew it was hard for her parents.But it was harder for her.She was his twin after all.But,now she had found her twin.And was sure his company would be greatly appreciated.

"Lizzy!"she whipped her head around.She knew who it was.She smiled as she looked into his stormy grey eyes.

"Hey,Sirius."she smiled.He looked into her mesmerising baby blue eyes.Her blonde hair glowed gold under the gleam of the sun.At this point,Lizzy Daelynn looked perfect.Like an angel.And there was no doubt about it.Sirius Black had fallen for the blonde beauty.He remained staring at her but snapped out of it when she smiled.He blushed slightly.A rosy pink covering his cheeks.

She giggled.He smiled slightly,scratching the back of his neck."I...uh...I just wanted to give you your Christmas Present before you go off.I know we might meet at James' house for exchange gift-but I just wanted to give you your gift now."He said.Lizzy stood there,speechless but broke into a smile.

"Thanks,Sirius.Thanks a lot."she said.Sirius smiled,stepping forward.The were so close their noses were touching.Lizzy blushed beet red.Lizzy stepped away from Sirius,face red.She picked up her trunk from the snow and began walking towards the station.

"Lizzy!Wait!"Sirius called,running after her.She walked on.She couldn't do it.As much as she liked Sirius,she couldn't afford another heartbreak.

He grabbed her hand and spun her around,giving her a peck on the lip and pulling away.Lizzy stood rooted to the ground with wide eyes.She blushed a crimson shade of red stared at Sirius with wide eyes.

Sirius smiled and turned away towards the castle,leaving a shocked and flushed Lizzy.She placed her fingers on her lips,eyes still trailing Sirius.A small smile painted her face as she ran towards the station.

Sirius Black kissed her...It was something that Lizzy hadn't expected.She didn't want him to break her heart again.It would just be unbearable.And yet,she couldn't help but feel he wouldn't break her heart.She felt hope.

She felt a spark in her step as she skipped towards her brother whom was waiting for her.He rolled his eyes."What's gotten into you?"Lizzy looked at her brother and smiled before hopping onto the scarlet red train.

"Liz.Where's Wendy?"he asked.Lizzy looked at him and then spoke."I let her fly to the Daelynn Manor is advance.Didn't want her to be cooped up in her cage."she said,shrugging.She then skipped into the scarlet red train,her hair bouncing behind her.Josh looked at his twin sister peculiarly and walked into the train after her."You've officially gone mad."he muttered,trailing his overjoyed sister.

He sat beside his sister who was jumping in her seat,a faint rosy blush on her cheeks.He watched as his sister calm down and start staring outside of the window,slowly falling asleep.

He chuckled lightly.All the bouncing around had made Lizabeth Jennifer Throne tired.It had been a exciting day for The Princess so far.But,what was to come had yet to come.Josh looked out the window.

The scenery flew by them and Lizzy had awoken from her short nap.They neared Great Britain where King's Cross Station resided.The scarlet red train then came to a complete halt,puffing out a smoke of air as the train doors unlocked magically.

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