Chapter 25

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The night flew by like a breeze and Lizzy was still wide awake.She looked at the beautiful starry night sky in awe and wonder.She couldn't help but feel like someone was watching her every move.But,other than that,she enjoyed the peacefulness the night brought upon her.

The past few months of her life had been pure bliss,yes.But,what happened earlier on that day was rather disturbing.She continued staring at the stars littered all over the dark sky bringing upon a glow to the dark sky.She smiled,leaning her head upon the cold window pane but payed it no attention.Why couldn't her life be this peaceful?Why did it have to have so much drama?

Then,her eyes drifted to her husband snoring soundly on their bed.She smiled.He looked peaceful.Younger.Her thoughts drifted to her father.Her father had changed over the course of a year.Ever since finding out about his wife being alleged to the Dark Lord himself terrified him.And so,he fled Throne manor and sought shelter in Lizzy's mansion.Of course,Her mother,Emma had left and was no where to be seen.She let out a shaky breath.Oh how her father had gone mad.He looked rather pitiful and weak.Something Lizzy had never seen her father show.He had always kept his composure and had never failed to let his composure down.And after seeing her mother turn to the dark side completely shook him and drove him over the edge.He was always jumpy,cautious about his surroundings.Wasn't such a pleasant sight to see her father who had acted tough while she was growing up break down before you.It was rather pitiful and saddening to watch.Not something you would usually see in the king of magic.

She looked back up at the stars,subconsciously caressing her engagement ring and wedding ring that glinted under the moonlight.

"Lizzy?"a voice croaked.Lizzy turned towards Sirius whom had sat up in bed and was rubbing his eyes,his black hair in an unruly mop atop his head.

"Why aren't you in bed beside me?I'm missing hugging my wife."He said groggily.

"C'mere."He said,opening his arms wide open for her.

She smiled as she stood up and shuffled across the soft carpeted floor and into his arms,sitting down in his lap.Where he lay down with her head in the crook of his neck.It felt comfortable to be wrapped up in his arms,it made her feel safe and protected.He kissed her head and hugged her tighter.Lizzy smiled looking up into his stormy grey eyes and then planting a kiss on his lips.

"Thank you,Sirius."Lizzy whispered,still looking into his mesmerizing eyes that lured her in deeper,entrancing her.

"For what?"He whispered,his eyebrows furrowing.He looked down at the blonde that he held close to his chest as he raised an eyebrow in question.

"For everything.Making me feel wanted and loved.Making me feel protected and safe.For always standing by me when I needed you most.For baring with all this nonsense and drama in my life."She replied.

Sirius smiled."Always."

He held her in his arms until she fell asleep,snoring softly on his chest.He gently wove his fingers through her hair so as to not wake her up.

He thought back to their wedding that happened not too long ago.She had been brave and confident when it came to facing the Death Eaters and Voldemort.And he adored her for such bravery and courage.Never once had she let his obsession for power and want of capturing her really ever faze her.And when she did,it was really only because she was thinking of the well being of those around her.She had always put others before her rather than caring for her own safety.It was something everyone noticed.And everyone was determined to keep her safe in return.After all,Lizzy was putting her life in the line for those around her.And it seemed stupid to Sirius.She put her life on the line for others which simply made no sense.Why protect others when they've done nothing but leave you when you need them most?That was something her never truly understood about his wife.It wasn't wrong to say the least.It was just...outrageous in a sense that you do good for people when all they do is treat you like trash.Ignore you.Taunt you.Leave you.Lizzy was too kind for her own good.But,that was something everyone looked up to her for.She had a heart of gold that you could only dream of having.

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