Clace high school

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My names clary , Clary Fray and I am the best shadowhunter you have to offer . My parents are Jocelyn fray or Fairchild and Valentine Morgenstern. Yes that valentine who I hate .

My mother is making me attended Verlac high it take care of a few demons trying to go to school there it may take a while so she enrolled me to keep an eye on it. This is an easy case to handle, it just may be a long one .

My mother and I live at the institute in New York run by Maryse and Robert Lightwood. I sort of know their children Alec, Max, and Isabelle Lightwood . They are okay shadowhunters but I don't talk to them . Tomorrow I start my mission and my mother and I are having a breifing before I go to train.

"Clarissa do you understand what you are supposed to do ?" Jocelyn questions " yes I go in to the school and keep an eye out for any demons and if I see them send them back where they came from. " I reply.

" good also Clarissa I know you want to take this mission solo but the clave wanted you to have a partner just incase. You will meet him tomorrow when you return home "

" yes mother " I say and leave, I am furious I was supposed to have a solo mission. I hate working with other people they just get in my way and slow me down .

I am already in gear so I go to the training room for a few hours . I practice hand to hand combat, knife throwing , jumping and spins , also dodging practice. I have been in the training room for 5 hours when I hear the door open Isabelle and Alec enter. I am jump spinning off of the ceiling beam when they close the door . I land the 3 story jump they stare in awe.

"One, how did you get up there , two how did you survive that jump and land it ?" Questions Alec . I can't tell them the truth all shadow hunters have half angel blood but my father tried to create new shadow hunters so before I was born he injected my mothers womb with angel blood. I am like 7/8 angel and 1/8 human . I can create new runes not even the clave knows about my powers and they never will.

" I have told you before I am the best shadowhunter the clave has to offer." I say smugly and a little rudely . No one can ever know the truth about me, only my mom knows about me being 7/8 angel but not about the runes and all the extra strength and stuff.

"Okay anyways you care if we practice in here with you?" Ask Isabelle a little scaredly " hey it's not my institute but if you are in here I need a sparing partner care to help ?" I say back

" I will, I need to spar" says Alec while Isabelle goes off and practices on a bunching bag . For the next hour I am fighting Alec of course I win even though I am a girl but Alec doesn't give up .

Finally Alec says he is done and I head back to my room I go to sleep early I have a busy day tomorrow .


I don't own the characters Cassandra Clare does I don't .

Please comment and vote if you want more thanks to people who read .


Updated 10/9/15

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