Chapter 26: In Your Life

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Baby girl, if you dont mind (if you don’t mind) I got a suggestion, that just might help you get that stress off your mind (stress of your mind, you need) Guess it will help you
Girl lemme help you put this dick in your life (baby, you need) You need this dick, baby, you need this dick in your life (baby, you need) You need this dick, baby
       -Chris Brown

The next day (Sunday January 31st)
Ashanti pov

I woke up to my phone ringing and my mom picture flashing on it. I grabbed it and tried to stand up but falied so I just crawled to the bathroom and answered.

"Hello" I said into the phone.

"We're the hell are you?" She asked me

"Sorry I crashed at Gabby's house I'll be home as soon as possible." I said.

"Ok love you bye." She said and hung up.

I walked out the bathroom to hear Chris talking.

"I didn't know I looked like Gabby." He said and I smiled as he smiled back at me. "Good morning beautiful." He said and I smiled.

"Good morning papi." I said and saw something poke from under the covers.

I smiled and rubbed my curly hair and walked over to him and moved the cover off of him and climbed on top of him and grabbed another condom from the new box's and opened it and put it by the other 9 wrappers on the nightstand and slid it on him.

"You keep playing we go have to go get another box." He said as I sat on him and he entered me and we laughed.

"That wasn't funny." I said referring to last night when we had to go get some more.


"Where was you?" My mom asked me as soon as I walked in the house. "What happened to as soon as possible?" She asked me. "That was 3 hours ago?" She asked me.

"I got caught up and we chilled a little bit I'm sorry." I said lieing.

"Babygirl is Chris making you do any of the stuff De made you do?" She asked me.

"No why would you ask that?" I asked her.

"Because Shanti I'm not dump, the marks you have on you." She said walking over lifting up my sleeve.

"Ok but he's nothing like him." I said looking at her.

"What's on your neck?" She asked me. "His whole hand is on your neck. Did he choke you?" She asked me.

"No mom chill, Chris isn't abusing me at all." I said truthfully.

"Is he doing what his dad did to you?" She asked me and then covered her mouth.

"What his dad did?" I asked her.

"Nothing forget about it." She said.

"No what do you mean." She asked me .

"Nothing Ashanti!"he yelled.

"Mom no!" I yelled back. "I'm almost grown and your still keeping stuff from me just tell me so I can move on with my life!" I yelled and she sighed.

"Sit down." She said and I did and sat my purse down next to me.

"When you were younger your father went to jail for molestation." She said sitting next to me. He um let someone else have sex with you when you were 3 going on 4." She said and I was just shoked.

"And your telling me Chris dad raped me?" I said and my eyes got watering.

"Yeah baby girl." She said and I stood up.

"Dose Chris know?" I asked her.

"No." She said

"Why didn't you tell me this!?" I yelled at her.

"I wanted to protect you." She said.

"Are you serious!?" I asked as my eyes watered.

Before she could say anything I walked out the house.

I can't be there with her right now, they all have been lieing to me my whole Fucking life and saying they been protecting me. What the hell were they protecting me from, the fucking truth.


I got off the elevator and walked down the hall to the room and knocked and he let me in.

"Baby whats wrong?" He asked me as I just hugged him.

"My dad, your dad raped me." I said but I knew he couldn't understand me because I was crying.

"Slow down baby stop crying I can't understand you." He said and sat on the couch and then pulled me on his lap.

"My mom told me that my dad went to jail for letting your dad rape me, Chris I was the little girl he rape." I said and he just looked at me.

"What the fuck!?" He yelled and moved me off his lap. I probably should of made sure he took his meds before I told him. "Why they now just telling you this shit!?" He yelled as I just sat on the couch and whipped my tears. "And my fucking ma knew and her ass never told me." He went on.

"Chris we can't do anything about it now, I'm mad too but I know getting even more mad is not going to do anything." I said walking over to him and he sighed and grabbed me and pulled me close to him.

"You right but I'm killing that nigga on sight." He said and I smiled a little bit.

"I just can't believe he would do that to me." I said and Chris kissed my neck.

"He's just fucking stupid and selfish." He said and I smiled and he started to kiss my neck.

"Chris don't start, don't you have practice and I'm sore." I said and he smiled.

"Ok baby." He said. "How about tomorrow I take you out and then give you a massage afterwards." He said and I smiled.

"But we got school." I said.

"After school." He said.

"I have to work." I said and he sighed.

"Ok this weekend." He said and I sighed.

"We got the state championship game and on Friday and then on Saturday we got to Basketball end of the season banquet." I Said.

"Well Valentine's Day is coming up so how bout then?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah baby sure." I said smiling at him. "This how are life go be after highschool. You'll be a college basketball player heading to the NBA and I'll be opening my own Solon." I said.

"Yeah but you know the best part of all that?" He asked me.

"What?" I asked him smiling.

"I'll have you." He said and I smiled. "And maybe some baby brows too." He said and rubbed my stomach and I smiled at him. "And I'll wife you." He added.

"Awe baby." I said and smiled as he kissed my lips.

"Aye when we shopping for prom." He asked me and I looked at him.

"See uh un just because you put it down like that last night don't mean shit." I said laughing. "You haven't asked me." I said and he smiled.

"Will you go to prom with me?" He asked and I playfully pushed him.

"Thats it?" I asked him smiling. "Hell naw nigga." I said and he laughed and so did I.

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