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"What's up with you, you have been staring at that dried up lemon tart for the past 15 minutes" Karen said to the brunette who continued to shove her plastic fork in the dried out tart as she looked up at her best friend.

"Just looking at that is making me pile on the pounds" Karen added as she shivered, then continued to eat her home made salad.

"Liv seriously what is up with you" Karen said snapping the dessert from the brunettes tray as Liv grumbled annoyed looking over at her friend.

"I'm just tired" Liv replied huffing as she folded her arms, her distraction was taken away just like that. She looked around canteen at all the other students, laughing and joking over lunch.

She was so done with this place and she hadn't even finished her first year yet. She had another 2 years left in this place until she was free from University and she could do whatever the hell she wanted but for now she was going to suffer, who knows maybe she deserved it.

"Let's go out tonight" Karen suggested as Liv sighed slowly allowing her eyes divert to her best friend's who looked at her eagerly.

Karen wiggled her eye brows excitedly maybe it wasn't a bad idea, maybe the brunette needed to go out and distract her brain from this shitty week god dealt her with for whatever reason.

"Sure why not" Liv replied knowing she would have to persuade her older brother Luke to lend her some money until she was paid next week.

"Booyaaa" Karen pump fisted the air causing the brunette to roll her eyes as she decided she needed some fresh air before her dreaded afternoon.

Slinging her bag over her shoulder as she picked up her half eaten lunch on her tray she managed a slight smile to her friend as she stood up.

"I'll text you after class, I've got to go pick something up in the library before my stupid tutorial" Liv said giving her best friend a wave as she left the canteen and headed towards the library.

The brunettes sighed as she made her way down the hallway as people smiled as she walked by recognising only a few faces amongst the crowd.

Things were a lot different now from school, she had always been popular in school. Liv was child number three of four of the Stone family with her two older brothers making a good impression on some of her teachers at school, she was liked by many at her school but now university was a lot different.

She had nobody nagging at her to do her homework or get detention if an assignment wasn't done. She was the type of student that worked hard and got good grades but if she didn't do the work then she was fucked so she tried to balance a social life and college work.

Her best friend since they were in nappies, Karen also known as Kaz was always a bad influence on her when it came to partying. Liv sighed glancing at her phone she knew she only had 10 minutes before her dreaded class.

A class she once used to love to hate and then loved to love, she now just wished she could avoid it at all costs. Nausea filled her stomach knowing the time was closing in.

She could skip any other lecture but her attendance for her tutorial made up an overall percentage of her end of the year grade and considering she had already bailed out on her class on Tuesday. She was most likely going to have to pay for the consequences of it today but she needed to go face her fears at some point.

Walking up the spacious hallway she could see the room up ahead she would be going into which made her feel even more nervous for some reason. Students slowly made their way into the class room.

Liv gripped her over the shoulder bag as she stepped into the class, keeping her eyes low towards the ground as she made her way to an available seat in the middle of the room. She didn't dare look up, too afraid of what would be staring back at her. She decided to take out her note pad and Anatomy book and waited for class to begin.

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now