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Liv's eyes slowly flickered opened as she looked around the room. She sighed leaning her pillow, remembering her fight with Amelia last night. Amelia was most likely back in London now..reading her book and drinking wine.Bore.

The brunette had spent 2 hours in bed crying last night before eventually drifting off to sleep. Sitting up she looked around the empty room. How could her perfect few days end up like this. Oh yeh Emily fucking Warren was messaging her.

Liv picked up her phone from the side locker, there was no messages or missed calls from her lecturer making her that horrible feeling sink further in the pit of her stomach. She clicked on her messenger and highlighted over Emily's name and clicking block user.

It was too bloody late now. Amelia was gone and Liv was now on her own for New Year's Eve. She could spend the day lying in bed feeling sorry for herself or she could go out and do what she does best. Shopping. It was too early for drinking so a bit of retail therapy would hopefully help her.

Four hours later and Liv collapsed on the bed in floods of tears. She couldn't let this go, she couldn't get over the fact Amelia had literally left her. Liv had distracted herself and spent all of her Christmas money on new clothes hoping it would help.

The brunette walked over to her suitcase remembering she had a gift for Amelia. It was a Christmas present for the older woman for bringing her away for these few days knowing it must have cost a Amelia a fortune. The small wrapped present was still untouched because Liv wanted to give it tonight.

Shoving it back in her case, she looked at the clock it was nearing three in the afternoon. The temptation of checking out and heading back to Essex or even back to London to go to her flat was getting more and more harder to resist but then what if Amelia changed her mind.

What if she came back. Then again did Liv even want her coming back. She felt fresh tears as she felt the lack of trust Amelia had for her rip through her like knives.

Wiping her tears away she wasn't going to give in. She wasn't going to ring Amelia or text her telling her to pick up and come back. If Liv was going to end up alone tonight at midnight for the ringing of 2018 then that's how her year was going to start. She didn't need to depend on anyone.

Dialling Kaz's number, she wanted to wish her best an early happy New Years as she knew the phones would be busy tonight. She decided against saying anything about what happened last night with Amelia. She would tell Kaz all about it tomorrow once all the celebrations were over.

"Hi Liv" Kaz chirped answering the phone.

"Hey Kaz" Liv replied, she couldn't help but smile hearing her best friends voice.

"I just wanted to phone you quickly and wish you a Happy New Years" Liv added.

"Awh thanks babe you too..what have you and Miss Roberts got planned then" Karen asked. Liv couldn't help but wince at the mention of Amelia's name.

"A few drinks and a quiet one I think" Liv said her voice beginning to go, she needed to get off the phone.

"You ok Liv" Karen asked with slight concern in her voice, she had noticed the change in Liv's tone.

"Yeh Kaz, listen I'm about to head out..enjoy the party tonight and tell Jas I say a Happy New year..I'll phone you tomorrow to get the gossip" Liv said trying her hardest to keep it together.

"Ok Liv..same to Amelia..enjoy your night baby girl..I love you Liv" Karen said causing the tears to fall from Liv's face.

"Yeh love you too..bye Kaz" Liv said hanging up as she cried.

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