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Liv's head was throbbing when she finally woke up the next morning. She rolled over noticing Jas fast asleep next to her. Her light snores confirming she was still passed out from the heavy drinking with her arms both flopped above her head. The night before came flooding back to the brunette causing her to groan. The taste of stale rum and pure regret filled her mouth...

Jas moaned into Liv's mouth, lifting her body on the bar counter as their lips broke away whilst Liv pulled her jeans completely off of her.

Before Liv could even think of what to do next, Jas had reached down and slid Liv's jacket off her shoulder and removed her own work T-shirt over her head as they crashed their lips together.

Liv could taste the sweet taste of Jas's wine against her tongue. Jas was on fire. Her hands didn't waste any time when she unhooked Liv's bra and then quickly her own.

Liv wasn't used to the quickness of it all. She was drunk and everything was hazy. She was still aware of the fact that Jas tongue was in her mouth and her fingers were hovering over her jeans.

As Jas began kissing her way down Liv's jaw towards her neck. She sucked roughly on Liv's neck causing the brunette to groan. She knew Jas was mostly going to leave a mark but it didn't excite her. It wasn't Jas who she wanted to be marked by.

This was it. This was a chance for Liv to try and get over Amelia. Try and forget amount about all the meaningful sex she thought she had with her lecturer and fuck her best friends ex. Fuck. Kaz.

As Jas's hand slipped under Liv's jeans and underwear before she could settled between the brunette legs. Liv pulled away causing Jas to groan as her eyes flickered open.

"What" Jas hissed, looking down at her hand that has actually made it into Liv's knickers. Jas looked around curiously to know why the hell Liv was stopping her.

"I'm in love with someone else" Liv replied stepping back and picking her discarded clothes off the floor, immediately putting it on she felt somewhat less exposed.

"Yeh and I'm in love with Karen so.." Jas shot back still standing in just her underwear, keeping her hands on her hips.

"So we shouldn't be doing this" Liv snapped with the sudden realisation of what was happening as she racked her fingers through her hair.

The brunette bent down and picked up her top and quickly put it over her head before throwing Jas her clothes to put them back on.

"Karen is my best friend and I have fucked up big time" Liv panicked. Jas rolled her eyes as she quickly got dressed.

"You stopped it..that's the main thing" Jas said walking back over to her glass of wine. Jas seem more frustrated with the brunette than anything else but she knew Liv had a point. It was going to be meaningless sex they would both regret by the morning.

"She's going to kill me" Liv mumbled repacking her hands through her fingers.

"Fuck" she shouted as anxiety filled her stomach.

"You'll work it out Liv" Jas sighed pouring another glass and handing it to the brunette.

"She admires you a lot as her friend..it's kind of annoying" Jas said dryly as she drank her wine.

"I have done the worst thing though..she loves you Jas..I know it" Liv cried her tears falling as the guilt consumed her for almost sleeping with Karen's ex.

Jas sighed as her own tears began to fall. Liv has always seen Jas a hardshell don't give a fuck sort of woman. But now she was sobbing. Full on sobbing and Liv climbed off her seat and she hugged the inconsolable woman.

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