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"Amelia" Liv sighed as she pushed her lip back and forth between her teeth nervously.

The older woman had been given 5 minutes to speak and she was now at least half way through that and still hadn't said a word. Who was Liv kidding. She didn't owe Amelia anything. She didn't need to stand here in this awkward silence.

"I need to go back to work...you need to leave" Liv said as she grabbed her apron off the empty barrel and wrapped it around her slender waist.

"No wait I'm sorry" Amelia said panicking watching Liv head in her direction but she stepped in front of her. The brunette stared at her old lecturer. She wasn't going to fall at Amelia's feet like before. She wasn't the same stupid gullible Liv she was a year ago.

"Amelia" Liv said trying to stay as calm as possible as their eyes locked. The blue eyes staring back at her looking tired and strained.

"Yeh" Amelia asked softly.

"Move" Liv snapped. Her tone was cold and it made Amelia's stomach clench.

Amelia didn't need to be told twice. She stepped aside and allowed the brunette to leave. She wasn't her cocky arrogant self she was back in London. She hadn't been that Amelia in months. Whatever Liv wanted from her, she would get. She would do anything right now to make things right between them. Anything.

Amelia followed the brunette out of the cellar to the main bar and back to reality. Liv was already back serving customers as though Amelia hadn't just walked back into her life.

Maybe Amelia shouldn't have come. Maybe she shouldn't have begged and begged Karen in her house for Liv's address and work details until the blonde cracked and Amelia was in floods of tears on her sofa. Maybe Liv had moved on when Amelia was just stuck. No enjoyment in life because all she could think about was Liv.

"Can you please get to the other side of the bar" came from behind Amelia as she turned to see fucking Susan stood there with a smirk on her face.

Amelia gave her a smile as she nodded and walked over to the other side of the counter. She stood at the bar waiting to be served but the rugby fanatic ignored her which only made Amelia smile.

Liv glanced at her nervously while still trying to engage with customers. She could see Amelia impatiently waiting to be served and then swinging her handbag over her shoulder.

Their eyes locked briefly before Amelia gave Liv a nod and stepped away from the bar. Walking out of the pub into the cold air Amelia groaned as she raked her hands through her dark hair. Her heart was racing and palms were sweaty. Olivia Stone made her fucking nervous.

The pub door quickly opened behind her a couple of seconds later as Liv marched out. Her face hardened as she walked right up to her old lecturer.

"So you are just leaving" Liv hissed stepping forward with a small gap between them.

"Well you don't want me here..dykey Sue in there certainly doesn't want me here so" Amelia replied dryly and Liv seen red.

The echo of Liv's hand hitting Amelia's face with such force cause the older woman to flinch as she looked down at the brunette whilst holding her stinging cheek. Liv had actually just slapped her.

"Fuck you" Liv snapped her jaw clenching with anger.

"You have no idea what I need because you haven't been here for me in months..you just pushed me away" Liv croaked as her tears were fresh and Amelia frowned.

"I'm sorry" Amelia mumbled as she felt her stomach clench.

"I tried to come sooner" she added looking down at her hands. She felt like an awkward teenager. Liv made her feel like a teenager.

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