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"I heard he murdered her and then handed himself in" a student whispered but loud enough for Amelia to hear in her tutorial.

"I heard his roommate found him about to beat her with a lava lamp and then kicked the shit out of him" another whispered. Another rumour.

"That's enough" Amelia snapped slamming her fist on the table as her small class stared back at her.

"Do your bloody revision and stop gossiping" she added. Taking a seat as the class quietly got on with her work. She looked at her phone with a text from Karen.

She's awake xx

Amelia gathered her stuff and told the class it was cancelled for the afternoon. She couldn't be here when Liv was in the hospital.


"Olivia what the hell happened" Cathy snapped walking into her daughters cubicle. If Liv didn't already have a massive headache from being hit across the head, she was sure to have with her mother being here.

"Mam not now..how are you feeling" Luke asked as Liv's eyes filled with tears. She could never lie to her older brother. Although they wouldn't speak on the phone everyday, they were close. She loved him and she knew when not to bull shit him.

"She's just been attacked by some crazy boy, how do think she is feeling" Cathy snapped at her son.

"I knew you should have done Medicine in Kings, this would never have happened" Cathy said and Liv couldn't help but roll her eyes. A lot of things wouldn't have happened.

"Why don't we let you rest and we will catch up with you in a bit Livvy" Luke said giving his sisters forehead a kiss and encouraging his mother to follow him.

Liv spoke with the police a short while later saying they had Scott in custody. She didn't remember any of it. All she remember were his darkened eyes and him lunging at her. She remembers hitting the floor and then passing out.

Turns out Mr. Jäger king himself Calum was in the room next door and heard the whole thing. He found Scott straddling Liv and banging her head against the wooden floor...repeatedly. Calum managed to fight Scott off eventually but Liv was unconscious when Calum phoned an ambulance.

He was in police custody and owned up to everything. But apparently awaiting a psychiatric evaluation. Liv anxiously waited for them to mention her affair with her student but nothing was yet said. Why hadn't Scott said that was part of his reason for attacking her.

Liv lay in her hospital bed as she heard a knock to door causing her to look over. She felt sick noticing her best friend stood there. She didn't deserve Karen to be here.

"Hey how you doing" Karen asked stepping into the room and taking a seat on the plastic chair next to Liv's bed.

Liv let her tears fall as she sobbed. She felt a sudden surge of emotion hit her. Yeh maybe she could have died if Calum hadn't walked in when he did but she was more sad of the fact of her losing her best friend.

"I'm so sorry" Liv sobbed as Karen wrapped her arms around her.

"Shh it's ok" Kaz replies kissing Liv's head lightly, ensuring not to hurt her more.

"It's not ok. I have not excuse for what I have done to you Kaz..I could blame it on copious amount of alcohol or the fact of losing Amelia but it was me..It's my fault and I broke our friendship" Liv cried.

Karen pulled back, her own eyes filled with tears as she wiped Liv's away with her fingers.

"I was mad with you but when I got the call about you being here it made me realise something so silly as that could never come between us babe..I'm sorry for hitting you..Twice" Karen said with a devious smile appearing on her lips as she spoke about hitting Liv.

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