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Liv's hand cramped as she was on her sixth page of writing in her Anatomy exam. You would think with her sleeping with her lecturer she would get some tip offs to what was coming up on the exams with questions wise but noooo she was just as stuck for time as every one else as she glanced around the exam hall. Everyone else seemed to be just as busy as she was.

Amelia came to the exam hall for everyone's support and Liv done everything in her power to ignore her black zipped up skirt and baby pink blouse that clung perfectly to her body.

They had spent the past month living in bliss.

Liv done revision and was rewarded with sex and she knew after completing her last exam this morning with them breaking up for the Christmas break she would be rewarded tonight with something special Amelia said she had been planning for a while.

They still argued occasionally since the night Liv had her minor run with the law. When she told Amelia the story about almost being arrested of course the older woman knew it was a breach of a public order and the most she was going to get was a fine but she didn't burst Liv's dramatic bubble.

They saw each other whenever they wanted with out labelling it. Liv still spent her nights in her own flat catching up on assignments and catching up with Kaz. Amelia cooked for Liv more often now or they would order food in and watch a film.

Slowly they were breaking into a nice routine without Amelia being a bitch about it. She continued to be stuck up when she wanted to be. Liv knew that was just Amelia and nothing would ever change that but a bit of compromising and they had build a good understand of one another.

"Ok ladies and gentlemen there is 10 minutes left..I repeat 10 minutes of the exam remaining" the announcer said as Liv sighed our relief. She had just about finished but spent the next 10 minutes making sure she answered everything in the question.

She looked up catching Amelia's eyes on her from the top of the row of tables and the older woman gave her a subtle smirk before looking around at the rest of her students.


"How did you think you did" Scott asked shrugging his back pack onto his shoulders as the brunette shrugged her shoulders.

She hated when people asked her this impossible question. She could say she did great and end up failing or she could say she did shit and end up with an honours. She had no fucking clue how she did and she wouldn't find out for at least 4 weeks.

Liv's phone vibrated in her pocket as she took it out. She frowned with confusion receiving a picture message from Amelia and downloaded it.

It was a picture of Amelia's body but her head cropped out. Liv would recognised those perfectly round breasts anywhere and they were covered in sexy black and purple lace bra with matching panties.

The brunette gulped as she looked down at her phone and could taste the salvia in her mouth form. This woman had the body of a goddess. A text followed shortly afterwards saying.

I think you should come over to my place now 😄

"Who in the sweet divine Jesus is that" Scott said his eyes nearly popping out of his head as he leaned forward but Liv snatched her phone and put it back in her pocket before he could see the name.

"Do you mind" she snapped giving him evils.

"With a body like that..not at all" Scott whistled.

"So who is she" he asked as she rolled her eyes. Our lecturer who happens to teach us 5 days a week and also happens to give me oral several times a week...

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now