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Amelia continued to glare at the brunette who stood by the sink washing her hands. The silence was unbearable between between the pair but Liv knew as soon as she opened her mouth, the older woman would have something sarcastic or nasty to say to her.

Instead Liv looked her lecturer up and down, she admired her tight trousers that clung to her tone legs leaving the rest to her imagination of what was underneath, the brunette couldn't help think of how attractive Amelia was. She literally had the looks of a model without being super skinny, it was just a shame her personality fucking stunk. Amelia cleared her throat as she broke the brunette from her thoughts causing Liv's cheeks to flush slightly as she dried off her hands with the hand towels.

"Are you done eye fucking me" Amelia asked bluntly as Liv's eyes nearly popped out of her head. The brunette gulped looking over at the older woman who was arm folded and slowly taking steps towards her.

"I..I.I wasn't eye..doing that" Liv replied embarrassed she had been caught out and more embarrassed to even say the words to her personally tutor who was now leaning against the sink beside her causing Liv's heart to race with the close proximity.

Amelia bit her lip as she stepped closer to the brunette as she reached up pushing Olivia's brown strand of hair behind her ear as she could see her touch was causing the younger woman's breathing to increase. As Liv closed her eyes for a few seconds, she gulped feeling Amelia's finger tips on her face. She knew this was wrong and as much hatred she had for the older woman, she equally had the same attraction towards her.

"You smell like a fucking brewery, do you know that Olivia" Amelia asked as her hand was now resting on Liv's hip causing the brunette to look down.

"You are testing my patience" Amelia almost growled in a low seductive tone as she leaned forward, her hot breath was now against Liv's neck causing her to breath out heavily as she gripped onto the sink. Her nausea had settled and now she just felt extremely turned on by Amelia's light touching and close contact.

"Skipping my classes, turning up late and now running out of class because you are hungover" Amelia snapped as her hand squeezed Liv's hip pulling her close, her perfectly white teeth had taken the brunettes ear between her them causing Liv to let out a quiet moan.

"If we weren't in a public bathroom right now I would spank you" Amelia growled as she bit down on Liv's skin causing her to moan as the younger woman's hands landed on Amelia's shoulders for support as she let out a moan.

Liv could feel body ache to be touched as Amelia's hot breath continued to tease at her neck. She knew this was so wrong, the older woman was her lecturer and a complete pain in the arse but right now all she could think about was how wet her underwear had become with the minimal contact between them.

Before Liv could even begin to enjoy what was happening, Amelia had stepped back and her hand dropped from the brunette causing Liv to frown as she looked over the older woman who was backing away slowly regaining her composure.

"I need to get back to class" Amelia said simply as her blue eyes locked with Liv's. The brunette wanted to say something, anything, suggest they discussed what happened or even just talk but judging by Amelia's distant body language perhaps the older woman had just forgotten who she was for a moment and Liv could feel her heart sink as she knew what was coming next.

"I suggest you go home and rest, drink plenty of fluids and I'll see you in my lecture tomorrow" Amelia said surprisingly in a soft tone which caught the brunette by surprise as she stared at her lecturer who raised an eye brow looking for some sort of reply.

"Of course Miss Roberts, I'm sorry for today" Liv replied clearly her throat. Amelia bit her lip as she stared at the brunette for a couple of seconds longer and Liv was sure she was going to say something but instead the older woman checked her appearance in the mirror before looking back to Liv.

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