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**Pre warning..shit hits the fan in this part 😳😳 **

**italics are flashbacks**

Liv's back collided with her bedroom door as she felt Amelia's hands press firmly against her stomach. Her lecturers lips now making their way down to her neck she couldn't withhold a moan as Amelia sucked roughly on her neck.

She still didn't tell Amelia anything. Why should she. Amelia was the one who ended things between them.

"Did she make you moan like this" Amelia asked as her fingers traced under the brunettes top, giving her breasts a squeeze. Amelia was rough with her touches and it was turning Liv on. She enjoyed Amelia's jealously a little too much. Perhaps it was something Amelia deserved.

Liv bit her lip and she shut her eyes, she tried to control her breathing. Amelia's tongue now running over hers before she pulled back. Liv knew Amelia was going to tease her. She was going to have Liv begging to be touched and fucked. Right now Liv would do it.

Liv would do anything for Amelia because she loved her. Liv had only ever been in love with one other girl before and these feelings she had for her lecturer were real. They were real and intense..just like Amelia.

"Did she touch you like this and make you feel this good" Amelia grumbled biting down on Liv's lip causing her to groan with the slight pain but mostly arousal as she felt her body react to Amelia's touches. Her underwear was damp and she needed to be touched.

"It was nothing" Liv mumbled, her head was spinning. All she wanted was Amelia to take her there and then.

"I didn't sleep with her, I stopped it because.."

Fuck. Liv watched as Amelia's eyes locked with hers. Her teasing had stopped and her hands wrapped around Liv.

"Because what" Amelia asked, her hands resting on Liv's hips as she pulled her close.

Liv sighed, she knew she was never going to have Amelia have those three words said back to her but Amelia was honest with her tonight so Liv was just going to be honest with her.

"Because I love you" Liv said softly. Her heart ached with her own words.

"Because I want only you and no one else" Liv added.

Amelia's jealously seemed to have subsided as her jaw unclenched and her eyes stared into Liv's. She remained quiet just as the brunette had suspected. Their foreheads pressed together as Liv breathed out.

Without saying anything Amelia's lips were back on Liv's..roughly. Liv's body was once again pressed against the door causing the brunette to groan into the kiss. She could feel Amelia pull the string of her pyjama bottoms as her leg slipped between the brunettes legs.

Liv bit her lip as Amelia's lips descended to her neck. Ignoring to mark on the other side of her neck. It was Amelia's turn to touch Liv..her Liv.  If Amelia was going to leave mark so be it.

They both knew this was going to be their last night together. Amelia had spilled all about what had spilt them up and Prof Dillon's was 20 times scarer than what Amelia was in her first impression so Liv knew this was the end.

The end of her relationship with her lover. She loved Amelia so much that her heart was aching with each touch from her lecturer. As Amelia peeled off her string top and unclasped her bra. Liv cried, she cried knowing this was the last time she was going to be touch like this by Amelia.

"Shhhh baby it's ok" Amelia said bringing her lips Liv's and locked their lips into a deep kiss. Liv had soon settled with her emotions and quickly opened the bedroom door and pushed Amelia onto her bed.

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now