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"Eat your greens Olivia" her Mother remarked causing Liv to roll her eyes which didn't go unnoticed by her older brother Luke who just smiled into his fork full of turkey.

Christmas at the Stone household was rather quiet this year. Olivia's oldest brother Robert who moved to Australia almost 9 years ago didn't make it home year as his wife recently had a baby boy.

Liv's other older brother Luke recently split from his girlfriend in recent months so this was the Stone's first Christmas without Luke's 4 year old Ryan running around making the Christmas spirit alive in the house hold. Ryan was going to be around tomorrow for dinner instead.

Liv felt sorry for her brother, she knew how hard it must have been for Luke not be around his son on Christmas morning with him only being 4. Especially now moving back in with their parents he must really be loving life being around Cathy and Tony Stone all the time.

Liv was only back a couple of days with all of those days spent in bed nursing a hangover having met up with her old school friends with Karen doing the 12 pubs of Christmas but the brunette was already at loggerheads with her mother.

Cathy was insisting that Liv transferred courses to get into medicine saying it wouldn't be too late for her to make a career for herself or if she didn't want to aim that high be a nurse. Liv just spent the next half an hour arguing how disrespectful her comment was to health professionals and that she had not interest in pursuing a career medicine or anything in the medical field.

Cathy found anything she could to argue with to Liv and when she found out Liv was leaving on the 28th to stay with some 'friends' in Cardiff well let's just say Luke had to intervene and save his little sister.

Liv had texted Amelia earlier this morning wishing her a Happy Christmas and hoped she had a good day. She had yet to get a response or any details of what was happening when she was getting the train up to see her lecturer.

Karen has teased her for an hour after telling her but then stated she was spending New Years in Manchester with Jas and her friends causing Liv to roll her eyes at how much of bitch her friend was.


Liv sighed as she jumped on her bed looking up at her old Rihanna posters on her ceiling causing her to laugh. She had managed to sit down and painful sit through the soaps with her family with her mother making smart comments every now and then.

As soon as it hit 9 she knew it was a safe time to head to bed considering both her parents were now passed out with their cracker hats on and Luke had escaped to the pub 20 minutes ago.

Taking out her phone she noticed a missed called from her lover over an hour ago. It was ok to call her lover wasn't it?That is what they were wasn't it. Liv cleared her throat as she clicked on Amelia's name calling her back.

"Hello.." Amelia answered after a couple of rings. Eager beaver Liv thought to herself.

"Hello Lover" Liv whispered seductively into the phone, she couldn't help but smile hearing Amelia's voice. It had only been a couple of days but she was used to hearing her voice every day in lectures and then whenever they would see each other.

"Lover" Amelia questioned in her usual dry tone. It was good to see Amelia was in the festive spirit. She hated pet names like babe or darling which Liv persisted on calling her just to piss her off and Liv used it to annoy Amelia at first but now she just liked calling Amelia her babe.

"Happy Christmas" Liv said not bothering explaining the lover thing because well in her eyes it was self explanatory.

"Merry Christmas Olivia" Amelia breathed into the phone.

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