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**Italics are flashbacks**

"You have a look of sexual satisfaction about you either you tell me or I will just read your diary later and find out" Karen said as she handed her friend a glass of wine.

"Kaz" Liv snapped as she reached across smacking the blonde. She really needed to stop keeping a diary or think of a better hiding spot for it.

"Has it something to do with the tutor, I read about that last week..it was just getting juicy and you stopped" Karen teased as Liv could feel herself blushing.

"Oh my god" Liv screamed covering her face with a cushion as she placed her wine on the table. Karen giggled joining her on the sofa with her own glass of wine.

"That is an invasion of privacy" Liv snapped and she began huffing, folding her arms across her chest.

She was glad she didn't have time to write in what happened between her and Amelia last night.

"You should have told me" Karen huffed sipping her wine.

"When" Liv mumbled.

"Before or after you went down on Jas..that's all you are ever doing nowadays" she said getting a dig at her friend she hardly even sees anymore.

"Oh stop, I'm getting some...judging by your face and you not coming home last night..you are getting some, it's a win..win" Kaz replied as she drank her wine.

"We will have a night out just me and you this weekend" Karen said leaning across the sofa as she held out her pinky for her best friend to take it.

"No hoes or bitches, I promise" she added as they pinkied.

"So this Miss Roberts does she know more about Anatomy than meets the eye" Karen asked giving her best friend a wink as Liv cringed falling back onto the sofa.

The brunette bit her lip and she thought back to yesterday and her encounter with Amelia Roberts..


Liv settled nicely into Amelia's Lexus. She wondered how many women sat in her position.

The anticipation of Amelia bringing her back to her place was exciting and Liv may have lied earlier when she said she had a study group she needed to attend before going to Amelia's office.

Liv had in fact went home, showered and groomed herself and changed her underwear into a matching bra..just in case.

There was no way in hell Liv would ever tell her lecturer that though. She was going to keep her cool attitude around Amelia for as long as possible.

Now here she was, her panties were already somewhat damp from the way Amelia had kissed and touched her in her office. She sat with her hands between her thighs as she stared out the window.

Amelia must of lived quite a distance from campus as they had been in the car for at least 20 minutes by now. The brunette wanted to look over at the older woman but she was afraid.

She wasn't really sure what she was afraid of but her mind was on overdrive sitting in the car now knowing they were going back to Amelia's place for what she could only presume was sex.

"Relax" Amelia said reaching across as her slender fingers rested on Liv's thigh causing a jolt of excitement up to the brunette's core.

"I can hear you thinking from hear" Amelia joked as she kept her eyes on the road but her hand glided ever so slightly over Liv's jeans.

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