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Olivia felt nervous as she watched the other students gather their note pads and books when the tutorial had finished. The brunette had managed to take notes for class and kept her head down whilst her bitchy lecturer continued teaching the class that Liv had stupidly interrupted.

The brunette remained in her seat as she watched the older woman speak to another student by her desk. Liv decided to study her lecturer as she waited for her to finish. Taking a guess she looked as though she was in her early to mid thirties, young for the job she was doing.

Her dark brown hair almost black was wavy, that stopped just below her shoulders. She had the figure of a model, she must have been at least 5 food 7 or 8 with her height increased with her black heels she was wearing along with slack pants that clung to her slender physique. She was still a bit of bitch but a pretty bitch, Liv thought to herself as she let out a long sigh.

Liv knew she was late for class and had missed her first class but it was freshers week, what did this woman expect? Clearly all the rest of the nerds in her class had turned up because she was the only one who was getting called out for not showing up.

Liv sighed impatiently again as she looked at her watch. It was nearing 4 o'clock, her tutorial had finished 10 minutes ago and some blonde was still stood talking to her lecturer. Liv really wasn't in the mood for hanging around much longer.

The constant partying the past few days had taken its toll on the brunette and all she wanted to do was sleep. She looked over at the dark haired woman once more who was smiling at the other student. A smile Liv never thought could be possible to see on this woman who had humiliated her.

Liv let out one last sigh and began stacking her note pad and pens together and then shoving them into her bag. She slung her bag over her shoulder and stood up, walking towards the door.

"Miss Stone" Liv heard as she closed her eyes and inwardly groaned. Gritting her teeth, she sighed and turned around to face her teacher.

"Yes" Liv said politely with a fake smile now plastered on her face.

"A word please..." her lecturer said as the older woman gave her other student a warm smile and waved her off. The blonde student gave Liv a cautious look before leaving the pair as Liv stepped back towards her lecturer.

"I waited around but you were busy so.."

"So you thought you would just leave...? " the woman interrupted causing Liv to frown.

"No..I.."Liv stuttered.

"Look I'm sorry, Miss.." The brunette didn't even catch her lecturers name.

"Oh charming...late for your class and you don't even know who is teaching it" The older woman scoffed giving Liv a glare.

"It's Ms Amelia Roberts and let me tell you Miss Stone.." 

Liv swallowed the accumulated salvia in her throat knowing she was about to get a lecture off her lecture r..literally. 

"This is not school anymore, you will soon learn that it is your own responsibility to be on time for class and if you are not going to be here on time then I suggest you don't bother taking my class" Amelia snapped as Liv was a little taken back at how blunt the woman was being.

She was basically was telling her to not to turn up all because she had missed her stupid class earlier that week, she didn't even know Liv.

Liv decided against making matters worse by trying to defend herself. What was the point?

She had made a bad first impression on her lecturer but to be honest this woman was a bitch.

So Liv just nodded as though she understood what her lecturer had just said as her locked with the older woman's ocean blue eyes.

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