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"You told her you were in love with her" Karen gasped earning a swift kick under the table from the brunette.

"Keep your poxy voice down dip shit" Liv shot back looking around the SU bar as she blushed.

"What's the big deal anyway" Liv said shrugging her shoulders as she took a swig from her bottle of beer.

"Did you not learn anything from me and my stupidness" Kaz replied pointing over toward Jas who was stood behind the bar chatting to some blonde on the other side it.

Liv sighed looking at her friend. She didn't understand them two..they had both been making each other jealous, yet clearly wanted each other. At least Liv knew knew only wanted Amelia and she wasn't going to mess around with anyone else to prove it.

"When did you tell her you loved her" Kaz asked.

"Valentine's Day" Liv cringed as her friends face widened in shock.

"Valentine's Day" Karen snapped.

"That was like over 3 weeks ago...are you sure she hasn't dumped you" Kaz added.

"Yes" Liv hissed back getting more and more irritated by the second.

"I was in her house a couple of nights ago..she's just distant" Liv mumbled.

"When was the last time you two had sex" Karen asked watching the brunette squirm.

"About a week ago" Liv replied. This really wasn't like her and Amelia go that long.

"She has been saying she is tired and has a lot of work to do" the brunette frowned as she watched her best friend give her a sympathetic look.

"Prepare to be dumped" Kaz said giving her hand a light squeeze before shuffling out of the booth and grabbing her gym bag.

"Seriously..you tell me that and now you are leaving me" Liv snapped.

"Babe" Kaz huffed sitting down next to her friend who shuffled over on her own seat.

"She's your lecturer..what you two are doing is breaking Uni policy anyways..did you really think you two had a future with each other, other than amazing sex..you fell for shark in this big blue ocean baby girl" Kaz replied placing a kiss on the brunette's cheek.

"I'm hitting the gym..I've almost hit my 2 stone target" Kaz replied standing up as Liv mumbled a congratulations and continued to sip on her beer.

So Amelia was going to dump her. Great. Just when Liv finally found someone who actually made her happy and she told Amelia she was in love with her. Boom. Stone cold Amelia was back minus her bitchiness.

Amelia brushed Liv off with collecting her at weekends after work making an excuse of working late on assignments corrections or sometimes she would tell her to get a taxi making the excuse she had been drinking.

Amelia seemed elsewhere anytime Liv was there. She physically was there but her mind was distracted. Anytime the brunette asked her what was wrong, Amelia would kiss her head and hold her saying it was nothing. Liv knew there was something wrong and after holding it in for 3 weeks now after speaking with Karen..Liv now knew she was the reason.

Liv had to go and ruin something that was perfect by freaking Amelia out. Yeh they had both admitted they were falling for one another but Liv actually admitted she was in love with her must have triggered something off in Amelia.

"Did she say anything about me" broke Liv from her thoughts as she looked up into Jas's hazel eyes.

"What" Liv asked a little disoriented.

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