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Hi Ms Roberts,

I am emailing in to arrange a personal tutor meeting. If you could let me know a date and time that will suit you, I would be grateful.

Kind regards,

Olivia Stone.

Liv felt like adding a big Fuuuuuck youuu to the email as she clicked send to her lecturer. It was now Saturday morning and after attending yet another freshers party last night, Liv felt rough.

Kaz had copped off with some girl from her psychology class and hadn't came back to the apartment last night. Liv was actually pleased to have the place to herself as she went over her first week in Uni trying to sort out folders and books she would need for her courses.

She had finally managed to get her registration sorted and the dread of not only having Amelia as her lecturer for her core module of her Degree but also to find out she was her personal tutor for the year. It was soul destroying to say the least but she knew she needed to get on with it.

She was no longer a little school kid and nobody was going to hold her hand through this course, she knew she was going to have to fight to keep her place in this course and she was determined that she was going to show the likes of Amelia Roberts that she was not going to drop out and be a failure.

Her email notification came through on her phone as she checked it straight away seeing it was Amelia already responding within a couple of minutes.

Hi Olivia,

All of my other students have been in touch earlier this week regarding their first meeting and some have been completed. Is there a reason why you are emailing me on a Saturday after 5 days of lecture's have first commenced?


Amelia Roberts

"That fucking patronising bitch" Liv snapped as she closed her lap top feeling her anger flare.

How could such a beautiful woman be such a horrible human being. She always had something critical to say back to the brunette. Did Liv really have to explain why she was not aware until yesterday about having to go to the student administration office and if Amelia heard that she would most likely have something bitchy to say to Liv about how careless she was.

The brunette sighed as she decided against emailing her lecturer back. Amelia was right, it was the weekend so Liv was going to forget about her bitch of a personal tutor and go do what she does best..go get wasted.


By Monday, Liv was like a new woman. She had nursed her hangover all day Sunday and spent the day with Kaz watching Netflix. She had an early night and made it on time for her early physiology classes. Anatomy was her main interest but she enjoyed learning about the bodies functions and how it works, plus her Lecturer Jackie Fields was a hundred times nicer than Miss Roberts which was a bonus.

Monday on her Anatomy time table was allocated for self directed lecture within the lecture hall unless labs were organised by Miss Roberts. This week she had given the class self directed work book to complete on the basics of the spine and everyone sat quietly as Amelia glared into her computer without speaking to anyone unless they queried anything.

Liv seen her phone flash with a notification from her emails as she picked it up and seen it was another email from her lecturer who was sat merely 20 metres from her with her head engrossed in her lap top.

Miss Stone,

I am curious to know why you have not replied to my email with a valid excuse for why you have not attended a meeting with me. Please see me after class.

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now