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Liv breathed out as she slowly made her way back towards the office of Amelia Roberts, where the older woman continued to stand at the door way. Taking the younger woman in as she had her arms folded, as Liv got closer to Amelia's office her body collided with someone else as she grunted taking a step back, her bag fell to the floor.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry" a blonde said as she looked Liv up and down.

"Sorry" Liv grumbled as she bent down to pick her bag up as she glanced at the blonde and the over to her lecturer who had a smirk on her face.

"I need to get going, I've got an assignment to submit before 4..catch you later Miss Roberts" the blonde said casually giving the older woman a smile and walking passed Liv with a flirtatious look causing Liv to frown.

"She likes you" Amelia commented breaking Liv from her daze as the brunette glared at her. Liv was not going to get into this with her lecturer. The fact that it was clear those moans were coming from that little blonde slut was irritating Liv.

"Shall we" the brunette suggested eyeing up the office, although it was a little off putting considering what she had just heard but the sooner she got this meeting over with the better.

"After you" Amelia stated pointing into her room as the brunette nodded and made her way into the office as the older woman followed and closed the door.

"So tell me Miss Stone what has you majoring in Anatomy" Amelia asked as she took a seat in her desk chair and gestured for the brunette to sit in the chair opposite her.

"I just like the human body" Liv replied casually as she earned a smirk from her lecturer. Amelia had seemed much more relaxed than she had ever before, maybe it had something to do with the fact she had just fucked some bimbo in her office but either way Liv didn't trust the woman one bit.

"And what are your plans after University" Amelia asked sitting back in her chair as she played with her pen between her fingers, her eyes continuing to take the brunette in. Liv felt nervous under the woman's stare but she sure as hell was not going to let it show.

"I don't know yet, it's only my second week here" Liv replied coldly as she sighed looking around the room.

"Can we just get on with this meeting please" Liv asked impatiently as Amelia raised an eye brow at her student. The older woman reached across her desk as she took out a sheet of paper with personal tutor meeting written across it.

"What are your objectives for the year then Miss Stone" Amelia asked

"I don't know, good grades I guess and a GPA over 3 I guess" Liv replied as Amelia huffed as she was writing the brunettes words down on the paper.

"Listen here Olivia, if you are going to be taking my class I expect you to at least aim a little higher than that..we will say 3.5 or higher ok" Amelia said looking at the brunette who nodded slightly as Amelia continued to write.

"Have you got any concerns since starting  University" Amelia asked as Liv looked at her. The only problem the brunette was having since starting here was right in front of her. She bit her tongue as she decided to go any further with it.

"Nope" Liv replied she anxiously wanting out of here. This woman was making her feel uncomfortable and she wasn't sure if she was liking it or not which was making the situation even more of a mind fuck.

"Nothing at all on your mind" Amelia asked as she leaned forward on her desk as she stared intently into the brunettes brown eyes. Liv gulped as she once again felt a knot in stomach form. She hated how Amelia stared at her, almost like she was a piece of meat she wanted to eat and spit out when she was done with her.

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now