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"Liv what is up with you..you know you can talk to me" Scott said looking over at his friend who looked pale as she anxiously waited for Anatomy lecture to start. It was the same routine now for the past two weeks.

She had stopped skipping Amelia's classes except maybe the odd tutorial depending on how she felt and she came to lectures. She barely spoke to anyone and refused to look up at her lecturer when she spoke.

She felt anxious anytime she was around Amelia. She hated how well Amelia looked, her body was still perfect..her skins as flawless as ever and her confidence oozed through the lecture hall.

Liv dreaded the thoughts of Amelia being with students around campus again. She knew considering she was a mistake that Amelia was mostly likely back to her old habits and it was eating her alive.

The brunette was barely eating and had lost drastic amount of weight with the build up of everything since Christmas time. Her clothes were baggy on her as well as the bags that hung under her eyes from the lack of sleep.

She had locked herself away for a week without even speaking to Kaz after the failed night out but now she was slowly starting to open up to her friend.

Now she had Scott on her case. He meant well but he was constantly saying how frail she looked and trying to get her to eat. She would mumble a few words to him between lectures and then she either done her shift quietly at the SU bar or went home and stayed in her room for the rest of the day.

"I'm just having a rough few weeks is all Scotty..I'm fine" she looked at her concerned friend and gave him a fake smile.

"You can talk to me Liv" Scott sighed.

"Is something happening at home" he asked as Liv laughed. In order for something to be happening at home, she would actually have had to have gone home. She had not been back to Essex since Christmas and it was now April..Oops.

"No Scotty...Home is still well Home" she replied.

"Is it Emily..is she bothering you again..I can have a word" Scott grumbled as Liv rolled her eyes. Thankfully Emily had completely backed off and they only exchanged glances in the SU bar.

"No babe..she has backed off" Liv sighed giving him a grateful smile for his concern.

"What about that hottie you were seeing before Christmas" Scott asked remembering the half naked photo on her phone which Liv had since deleted.

"That's definitely over" Liv replied dryly feeling another wave of anxiety hit her stomach and then the clicking of those familiar heels added to it as she watched Amelia descend the steps towards the front of the lecture hall.

"Oh right" Scott replied awkwardly as he sat back in his seat and watched as Amelia attached her microphone and began her lecture.

Liv felt sick. Like every other day of being here. Her mind was twisted. She was excited to hear Amelia's voice on one hand but then it broke her a little bit more each day knowing they weren't together anymore.

She couldn't just pick up the phone and tell Amelia how horny she was for her or how much she missed her. She couldn't just climb into a taxi to Amelia's house and seduce her with her body and words. Nope some other little tramp was probably tickling Amelia's lustful fantasies now.

She couldn't do this, she couldn't sit here and pretend like everything was normal. Like she was just another one of Amelia's students. Like she hadn't made Amelia cum with her tongue multiple times or let herself be fucked by her lecturer over and over.

Liv quickly shoved her notepad and pen into her bag and stood up.

"What are you doing" Scott whispered looking up at the brunette who was gathering attention from others nearby.

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now