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Liv moaned as she felt Amelia's tongue roughly again her own. The older woman's hand now making its way under the brunettes top as she caressed Liv's goose pimples skin causing her the grip the back of Amelia's head she pulled her further into the kiss.

As much as Liv despised Amelia Roberts, she was an amazing kisser and her hands knew exactly how to turn Liv on. As soon as Liv was enjoying the kiss, Amelia's lips were detached and she was back on the drives seats, gripping the steering wheel tightly as she stared straight at the road ahead.

Liv wiped the side of her mouth as she regained her breathing back into a normal pattern, pulling her top back around her jeans. She looked over at her lecturer who seems to be battling with something as her eyes continued to be fixated on the road ahead of her.

"You kiss just as I imagined" Amelia said in a low tone, not quite a whisper but low enough for it to sound sexy in Liv's ears.

"I fuck even better" Liv replied as she watched her words hit the older woman who shook out a ragged breath as her eyes slowly turned to looked into Liv's. Liv was smirking, she knew the alcohol was probably giving her the Dutch courage she knew she would never have to speak to Amelia Roberts like this but at this point she had nothing to lose.

"This is so fucking wrong Olivia" Amelia said almost defeated and Liv could say the look of sadness and vulnerability on Amelia's face, she had definitely never seen this side of the older woman before.

"I am going to be grading your papers and I am teaching you, I could lose my job if the board knew I was even texting you never mind this" Amelia snapped more so angry with herself than with Liv.

"So you fuck that bimbo instead and made sure I knew about" Liv made a snide remark "did you purposely have her in your office knowing I was coming at 3 for that meeting" she asked as Amelia frowned and then nodded. Liv shook her head as she let out a sarcastic laugh, so she gets a taste of Amelia and then to be told nothing can happen between them. What was the fucking point of it. Liv knew she wasn't perfect but she certainly deserved better than this shit.

Liv stared into the older woman's eyes as she could feel her cheeks reddened with anger. It was Amelia's turn to gulp as she looked at the brunette who looked like she was about to lose her shit.

"This doesn't happen again, you don't phone or text" Liv said trying her hardest not to crumble under Amelia's stare. The brunette reached for the door handle as she opened the car door.

"Olivia" Amelia breathed out, reaching out she gripped the brunettes wrist as Liv immediately tore her arm away.

"No" Liv snapped "leave me out of your fucking mind games" she added as she climbed out of the car and slammed the door shut.

Amelia frowned as she watched Liv walk back into Scott's house, towards the loud music. The older woman knew she had driven Liv back into a party and she was most likely going to get wasted. As much as Amelia wanted to get out of the car and run after her, she knew she couldn't risk it.

Amelia couldn't deny the instant attraction  she had for Olivia Stone as soon as she laid eyes on her. The more time she was around her, the more Amelia was losing her mind. She was used to Stacey, an arts major she had been sleeping with since the end of the last year's semester as a distraction.

Amelia knew Liv was untouchable, she couldn't risk being caught out with her own student. Her boss knew about her sexual relations with other students in the University and the University policy said two consenting adults could have a relationship as long as the lecture was not directly teaching or grading that student.

Unlucky for Amelia when she laid on Olivia, she knew she took her frustrations out the brunette and as much as she wanted to forget about the brunette. She couldn't get Olivia out of her mind. Stacey wasn't doing anything for her the last week, in fact any other woman she looked at didn't do it for unless it was Olivia.

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