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"So what do you think about this body dissection on Monday" Scott asked as he sat next the brunette who yawned waiting for their lecturer to attend. She had thought by staying at Amelia's last night and getting a lift to Uni this morning it would work out well.

However once her and Amelia got going, they couldn't stop. They both eventually tangled up in one another breathless after 3 in the morning and Liv had set her alarm for 6:30am so she could be showered before heading to the library giving her a grand total of 3 hours sleep minus half an hour she spent awake thinking about Amelia's body wrapped around hers when they did eventually decide to call it a night.

First an invite over on the 4th night running, then a dinner cooked and now she was actually being spooned to sleep by Amelia. So now she was aching for the sex and tired from the lack of sleep and studying.

"I don't really feel comfortable doing it" Liv replied as she yawned again noticing Amelia walk down the steps and towards her usual spot near the podium.

"Afternoon class" Amelia said attaching her microphone as she waiting for her laptop to load onto the screen.

"Just a reminder about next weeks labs..I have divided you all in groups as there will 4 labs running next Monday, Tuesday and Thursday to ensure everyone will get the opportunity to observe the body dissection" Amelia said looking around the room of excited students.

"Myself, Mr Harding and Professor Gordon are running the labs with a final year Anatomy student assistants" Amelia continued as she put up the list on the screen.

Liv looked at the screen noticing her lab was next Tuesday with none other than Amelia. She had to admit she wasn't that terribly surprised she was going to be with Amelia.

Part of her felt Amelia wanted to see her crumble as Liv had been dropping hints about not really wanting to do it but Amelia said it would be very beneficial, especially for revision.

"Oh damn, mines on Monday" Scott sighed as he seemed disappointed they weren't in the same lab. If Amelia had anything to do with it, Liv definitely wouldn't be grouped with anyone she knew. The more attention she paid to Amelia the better.

The brunette sat quietly for the rest of her lecture as Amelia rambled about the brain. As much as Liv loved her Uni course, today she was feeling like shit and judging by the cramps now forming in her stomach it was the beginning of the time of the month.

Perfect..she was going to be sad and alone for 5 days now. She had decided to go straight home after lectures and bail on a drink with Scott. She promised him she would make it up to him another time.


"Jesus you look like shit" Kaz said as she watched the brunette take her jacket and bag off as she entered the flat.

"I am so tired" Liv grumbled falling onto the sofa as she held her stomach. Her cramps were coming on like someone was twisting and squeezing her ovaries from the inside.

"I hate being a girl" Liv mumbled as she held onto cushion to her chest.

"Oh Jesus are you on your period" Kaz asked as she walked over the her friend as she chewed a carrot. Liv grumbled a response as she frowned looking over at the television at some crappy TV show Kaz had obviously been watching.

"What is this shit" Liv huffed looking for the remote but she couldn't see it anywhere near her.

"Do not call The OC shit Olivia...I have warned you about this before" Kaz snapped as she walked back to the kitchen to finish eating her salad.

"Whatever" Liv huffed as she settled back into the sofa and continued to watch the television.


Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now