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"I am not fucking her" Liv laughed as she followed Amelia into her bungalow dropping her handbag and jacket on the kitchen counter.

Amelia slammed her way around the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of wine as she took one glass for herself and opened it, pouring herself a large glass.

"It was written all over both of your faces in my lab earlier" Amelia snapped glaring at the brunette who stood awkwardly at the end of the kitchen counter.

"I overheard her on the phone to one of her friends after the lab talking about you" Amelia scrunched her face in disgust.

Liv was curious to know what exactly Emily had said but somehow judging by the white appearing on Amelia's knuckles and she made two tight fists it wasn't something pleasant.

"There was one night..it was a mistake and I didn't even know she took Anatomy" Liv replied as she watched Amelia's face hardened.

"I fucking knew it" Amelia snapped swinging her wine glass around before taking another gulp.

"What's the big deal anyway, it's in your stupid fucking rules...you do as you please at the weekend and me the same" Liv shot back even thought she knew technically what happened between her and Emily didn't fall on a weekend but that was beside the point right now. She wasn't about to feel guilty for something she didn't do wrong.

"If you are sleeping with that slut and me then this ends right now..god only knows what she is carrying" Amelia shouted. She was way too angry to be just pissy about finding out it was Emily.

"I am not sleeping with her for fuck sake" Liv snapped getting irritated at Amelia's accusations.

"It was one night before this happened" she added pointing between the pair.

"I didn't even know who she was, I literally just fucked her in the toilet in the SU bar and left" the brunette mumbled.

"Spare me the grim details Olivia" Amelia snapped.

"What is your problem" Liv snapped back as she approached her lecturer.

"Your poor choice in women, I will have to get myself checked out now that is my problem" Amelia scoffed brushing the brunette off as she folded her arms across her chest.

"I already told you..it wasn't like that so you are safe and there was no one else..if anything I should be getting checked out" Liv remarked as Amelia's eyes widened.

"What is that suppose to mean" Amelia sniped

"Oh come on you were fucking half the students on campus" Liv laughed.

"Who knows..maybe you still are" she added shrugging her shoulders.

"Get out" Amelia shouted as her face became red with anger.

"What" Liv gasped.

"I said get out" Amelia shouted.

"You are not going to disrespect me in my own home..so leave" Amelia said slightly more calmly as she pointed at her door.

Liv shook her head. They couldn't even sort this out like adults. Amelia's idea of sorting things out is running or in her favour just kicking Liv out of her house.

"Fine" Liv replied through gritted teeth as she turned around to put her jacket on.

"But just so you know I only slept with her to get you out of my head..it didn't work..you had that bimbo hanging off you in your office and you were treating me like crap so don't expect me not to sit back and not to try and forget you" Liv replied feeling herself close to tears as she picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder.

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now