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Sex was amazing to Liv but throw Amelia Roberts into the equation and the sex was fan-fucking-tastic. Liv enjoyed the sex before but now that she could actually fuck and taste Amelia it was by far the best sex she had ever experienced.

Liv stuck with the other rules without any questions. She was studying more for her exams and even sleeping with her lecturer she knew she wouldn't be getting any hints or help with her end of the semester exams at Christmas time which were only a few weeks away.

Liv was sat daydreaming in her tutorial as Amelia stood at the top of her class. Her tight skirt clung to her hips and her blouse covering her perfect breasts.

It was only last night that Liv had kissed her way the length of Amelia's body, listening to her lecturers pleas to touch her.

They both touched and kissed each until their bodies shuddered as they rode out their orgasms. Last night being the first night they had actually came together. Like Liv said earlier..fan-fucking-tastic.

"Miss Stone" Amelia repeated as Liv jumped in her seat as she looked up at the dark haired woman.

"Sorry what" Liv mumbled feeling her cheeks flush even more as students were now staring at her.

"I asked can you tell me more about the superior colliculus" Amelia asked with a slight smirk on her face as Liv gulped.

"Um yeh..it's in the brain" Liv replied clearing her croaky throat. Amelia gave her a glare before returning to her white board to discuss more revision for the exams.

"Well yes Miss Stone you had one in two chance of getting that right since we have covered the spine and brain this semester" Amelia snapped

"I was looking for an answer more like : the superior colliculus is one of a pair of rounded elevations that form most of the optic lobe" Amelia replied looking around the class.

"and then part B of the question would be explain what the optic lobe is so I would expect you all to give a brief description and so on" Amelia said as she gave Liv a disappointing look and went on to teach the rest of the tutorial.

Liv tried her hardest to pay attention for the next 15 minutes in class but it was hard. Focusing on anything but Amelia's perfectly shaped arse in that skirt, Liv was beginning to think her lecturer wore tight fitted clothes purposely on these days so could tease the brunette close up.

As she tutorial was drawing to a close. Amelia handed out some more study tips for the students.

"As long as you pay attention in my class between now and exam time" Amelia said purposely staring at Liv who went a light pink colour as a few students giggled.

"You should be fine for the exams a long with the study material, remember to check your email for the body revision course next week" Amelia said before dismissing the class as Liv slightly cringed.

They were actually going to be given the opportunity to look at real life body parts in a lab next week with Amelia and Liv was still unsure who she felt about poking around some dead corpse for her learning.

As the class emptied quickly, Amelia slowly packed her stuff away as Liv did as well.

"Free slot" Amelia asked the brunette.

"No more classes for the day, my afternoon lecture is cancelled" Liv replied dryly placing her bag over her shoulder.

"Maybe you should go home and revise on the class today since all you seemed to have done is stared at the stitching on my skirt" Amelia replied equally as dry as she closed the door over leaving them alone.

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now