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Liv woke up on Saturday morning with her body pressed against Amelia's. Her stomach done flips with the fact that Amelia had actually stayed last night on technically a night that fell on a weekend.

This was the second weekend this had happened and Amelia was certainly bending her rules for Liv. They ordered pizza and watched more of The OC last night with Amelia being less than a pleased but for some reason she just sat their with her body eventually being wrapped around the brunette's as she stared amazed at the screen watching each episode like the characters were from another planet.

Liv thought it was strange as they sat there for a couple of hours with Amelia not complaining one about the show. She sipped on her wine as she ate some pizza and held Liv. Liv was squealing like a little school girl who had finally showered and changed into her Pyjamas and had a hot bottle on her stomach easing her cramps.

She could get used to this. Coming home at night with Amelia and sitting in a perfect silence whilst they watched something Liv wanted to watch and then take turns watching something Amelia wanted to watch. Liv had felt in that moment like she was in a relationship but she knew not to get ahead of herself.

Amelia had eventually left by Saturday afternoon stating she had papers to correct and bid Liv a farewell at the door with a long passionate kiss. They wouldn't be seeing each other in class on Monday due to labs being held and Amelia has said she would probably be really busy that week until late evenings because of the labs.

Liv insisted it was ok and that she had plenty of work to catch up on, she might even sneak in a drink with Scott. She missed his goofy self outside of lectures. The brunette spent the rest of her weekend watching The OC and her pyjamas deciding she needed a well deserved break from revision.

Monday had came and gone quickly and Liv didn't hear from Amelia at all. She knew it was the first days of the body dissection labs and it would be busy. Liv did get a text from Scott to say it was so cool yet weird at the same time. Liv felt nauseous thinking about tomorrow when she had hers.

She was normally fine with blood and puke but the fact that they would be poking around a dead body made her want to be sick. She didn't like the idea poking around someone's corpse.

She felt nervous as she made her way down passed the library in the health science building towards the labs. As she seen a group of students stand outside the lab, she had recognised only a few faces from her lectures.

Amelia turned up a couple of minutes later looking sexy as hell in a checkered grey work dress that showed off her slender body shape and she carried a white coat over her hand bag.

God she was so sexy and even more sexy if she was going to be wearing a white lab coat. Liv gulped as she pushed her naughty images from her head and walked into the lab.

There were two bodies on the table in the room covered with body bags as Liv could feel her stomach tighten.

"Ok so I have made a list on the board there of two groups you will be divided into and one group with myself and the other with my 4th year Anatomy student Emily" Amelia said as she introduced the woman who was at the bottom of the class.

The blood drained from Liv's face as recognised the red head who made her way to Amelia's side. This was Amelia's lab assistant..the girl from the SU bar..the girl Liv took by the hand into the toilet and..oh god. Liv covered her face as she stepped back to hide between some of the students.

Trust this to happen to Liv. The one time she decides to have a one night stand, that happens to be another student of Amelia's. Liv could feel her heart racing, maybe this girl Emily wouldn't recognise her..they had been drinking quite a bit that night and it's going back a couple of months now.

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now