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"Ok so check your mirrors, place your foot on the accelerator not too hard and when you are ready release the handbrake and slowly pull your foot up from the clutch whilst pressing down on the accelerator" Amelia explained as she looked over at Liv who looked like she was about to lose her shit.

She was nervous as hell and everything Amelia had just said did not make any sense but she was going to give it a go anyway. She tried to remember the steps Amelia had been repeating over and over in her head for the past hour.

The car slowly began to roll as Liv became excited way too quickly.

"Oh my God I'm driving..I'm actually driving" she squealed taking her eyes off the steering wheel and clapping her hands together.

"Liv we are on a hill you aren't driving...steer back towards the left side of the road" Amelia panicked as the brunette's eyes went back on the country road and she panicked. A loud roar came from the engine as she moved her feet causing her to scream.

"What was that" Liv shouted the car still rolling but it was now faster than before going down hill.

"Brake" Amelia snapped as she took control of the steering wheel Liv had let go of to cover her ears. She was in pure panic mode as there was a corner straight ahead at the bottom of the hill.

"Olivia..brake" Amelia snapped louder this time.

"Which one is the fucking brake" Liv screamed back.

"The middle one" Amelia panicked keeping her eyes on the road.

"I can't see" Liv mumbled trying to see down at the pedals as she panicked. The car was going fast enough to hit anything if it came around the corner.

"Hold onto something" Amelia said as Liv quickly gripped the door and Amelia pulled the hand brake causing the car to swerve with the sudden force of it to stop but the older woman had her to hands on the wheel and managed to steer the car away from the bushes until it came to a complete halt.

The car remained silent as Liv tried to regain her breath. She slowly looked over towards Amelia who turned to look at her in a glare.

"I think I may have peed a little" Liv laughed nervously as she let her head fall back against the back of the drivers seat. The Adrenaline had kicked in and she couldn't help but laugh off her anxiety of what happened or what might of happened.

"Give me the keys now" Amelia snapped, holding out her hand as the brunette stopped her nervous laugh and gulped.

Taking the keys from the ignition she handed them over to her lecturer who mumbled something under her breath and climbed out of the car.

Liv watched as Amelia assessed her car for any damage and then opened the driver door.

"Get Out" Amelia snapped as Liv frowned looking up at the older woman. Unbuckling her seatbelt she stepped out of the car.

"What's your problem" Liv asked.

So they may have had a little hiccup. No damage was done and nobody was hurt. There was nobody around. They were in god only knows where in Wales and Amelia had asked Liv earlier that day over breakfast what she would like to do...This was it.

The brunette said she wanted to learn to drive. With a few disagreements from Amelia, she did eventually give in to the brunette which lead them to now with their near death experience.

"We could have been killed" Amelia snapped as Liv rolled her eyes. Here we go.

"Babe we are in the middle of nowhere..the only thing that is around us is sheep so calm down" Liv bit back.

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