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Amelia felt a tightening of her stomach as she stood outside of her Boss's office. She was used to being on the other side of this situation. Having nervous students coming into her office and look at her like she was the devil. Maybe she was.

She felt sick leaving Liv in bed this morning. The brunette was out cold no matter how much Amelia wanted to wake her up even placing small kisses along her back. Liv however just wrapped her arms around Amelia and mumbled those three words that made Amelia's heart flutter. Now her heart ached deep in her chest.

She had regretted this meeting she had made late last night with her boss but she knew her options were limited. Giving that some little twat on campus was out to get her. Amelia needed to speak to her boss first.

"Amelia, are you going to hang around out there all morning or actually come in" her boss snapped causing Amelia to flinch with the words and take a deep breath before rounding the open office door and smiling at her boss.

Lana Dillons was well what some would call scary and some would call really fucking terrifying. Originating from somewhere in America, even Amelia was too afraid to small talk with her boss about asking where the grey haired woman was from. She was passionate about her work within the University and spent a lot of time researching many studies involving health science.

"Morning Professor" Amelia said closing the door of the office and walking over to the large seats vacant opposite her boss. As scary as Lana was, she also seemed to be a woman who didn't judge anyone from what Amelia had witnessed in the past with other faculty members and students.

"Well Miss Roberts seeing your email this morning, what has you wanting to see me so urgently this morning" the grey haired woman asked folding her hands over one another as she looked at Amelia over the top of her reading glasses.

This was it. She was jeopardising ruining her career for what she was about to say but then again as soon as she kisses Olivia all those months ago in her car she had put her career on the line. She need to face the facts and consequences of her actions.

Amelia sighed as she looked her boss in the eye. Allowing her fingers to run down the rigid pattern of her necklace Liv had gotten her for Christmas, she felt sick as she bit the bullet and opened her mouth.

"I've been involved with a student" Amelia sighed. She felt a sudden sense of loss. Like she had lost Liv with her confession but her bosses face remained unchanged as she continued to glare at her over her glasses.

"You have came to me before about your..ahem sexual relations with other students in the university" Lana replied dryly looking over at Amelia who shook her head.

"I mean with one of my students" Amelia mumbled and winced as she watched her bosses palms lay flat against the table as she groaned loudly.

"Ameliaaaaaa" Lana groaned.

"Pardon my French for a moment" she added pointing the finger at the lecturer.

"What the fuck are you playing at..there are twenty thousand students in this university alone and a hundred per year you teach that the policy say specifically say you are NOT to get involve within the University policy, plus the first year Med students and Nursing students you teach..that's not a lot adding up out of twenty fucking thousand " Lana stated irritated that she was even quoting off her own words as she huffed looking over at the dark haired woman who continued to wince with each word.

"I'm sorry..I tried so hard for it not to happen..honestly I did but I think..no I..I love her" Amelia said feeling guilty that she was admitting her true feelings to her boss and not the woman she actually loves.

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now