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Amelia stopped going to Liv's work from then on out. She seen how much Liv wasn't coping with anything that had happened in the past few months and Amelia wanted to do nothing more than to hold her. But she lost the right to do that when she claimed they were a mistake and pushed Liv away. She was suppose to protect Liv when instead Liv ended up in hospital because of Scott. Amelia should have been there.

As much as Amelia wanted to hang around and make sure Liv was safe. She knew it wasn't her place anymore. She was checking out the day after Liv had called around and said she couldn't do it. She couldn't have Amelia in her life. They hadn't exchanged anymore calls or texts. She knew they never would. Amelia heard a light knock to her hotel door and opened it to reveal a nervous looking brunette.

"Liv" Amelia breathed out as she tried to smile but her heart just wouldn't let her.

"I thought you might have left already" Liv said playing with her fingers nervously.

"I was just about to" Amelia said clearing her throat leaving them both in silence at they stared at one another.

"I'm sorry.." the both said in unionisation and then laughed at one another.

"Liv you have nothing to be sorry about" Amelia spoke first as she stepped back into her room and finished off the last of her packing.

"It's just with you coming here and saying what you said last night..I.." Liv stuttered as she thought about how honest Amelia had actually been last night but honestly her head wasn't in the right space right now. She had lost two family members on top of being attacked months before. She needed time before she could even consider what was happening between her and Amelia. Too much shit had happened.

"Liv" Amelia said abruptly. It was too hard for her to listen to Liv reject her again. She was 35 years old being rejected by a woman who had her full life ahead of her.

"It's fine" she added more softly as she managed a half smile.

Picking up her suit case, she wished she could stay her longer but it was breaking her being around the woman who she loved her who didn't love her back anymore. Amelia had herself to blame for that and she would for the rest of her life.

"Just promise me something" Amelia said as Liv gulped nodding as she looked the older woman in the eyes.

"Don't ever let anyone treat you the way I did" Amelia said clenching her jaw as she was disgusted with herself.

"When the right woman comes along..you let her in and you be happy Liv because you deserve it..even though I know you don't think you do" Amelia said as Liv frowned.

It was true Liv had too much self hate right now and knew she was hard on herself and she needed to work on herself before thinking about being with anyone else.

"Same with you" Liv replied, she felt sick as her stomach twisted with nerves watching Amelia pull up the handle of her case and put her Jacket on.

"I think my idea of romance now is lays in a nice chilled bottle of Chardonnay and Wuthering Heights" Amelia chuckled lightly as Liv smiled remembering her previous snotty remark all those months ago.

"Goodbye Amelia" Liv said as her tears fell. She leaned forward and took the older woman in her arms to which Amelia gratefully accepted.

"Goodbye Olivia" Amelia sighed as she inhaled Liv's scent one last time before pulling away and allowing her eyes to lock with Liv's sad brown eyes once more and then she was gone...


2 years later..

"Who would of thought you of all people would be getting married" Liv teased taking a glance in the room in the hotel packed full of people as her friend who was clutching a paper brown bag having a nervous breakdown. A swift slap to her upper arm and the brunette was groaning.

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