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A/N : Hi just a quick reminder that italic writing is flashbacks :) thanks for reading X

"I will be emailing your next assignment after class, it's due in 4 weeks..any questions please get in contact with me" Amelia said watching her students pack their stuff and ascend the steps of the room.

Liv looked down at Amelia who's head was firmly down at her work. She had been avoiding the brunette for 5 days..her texts, her stares.

Liv had even tried staying back after a her tutorial but Amelia made a point of speaking to a student the whole way out of the class and down the hallway, clearly avoiding Liv at all costs.

Liv took out her stone aged brick phone she had managed to borrow off Kaz and recover her numbers after her little incident last weekend and she quickly wrote a text.

This was her last attempt of chasing after Amelia. If Amelia ignored her again well then...Well Liv didn't really know what she was going to do.

She missed being around Amelia but honestly trying to keep up with her was more trouble than anything and Liv was struggling to focus on the reason she was in this place..University.

Please can we talk?I won't try after this xx

Liv slowly packed up her laptop and pen as she occasionally glanced down to her lecturer waiting for Amelia to look at her phone.

Liv was annoyed she was actually doing the chasing but she wasn't going to let something so silly end things between them.


"Oh my god" Liv gasped as she covered her mouth. Amelia's flushed face now turning pale as her hand retracting from between her legs. Liv actually walk in on Amelia pleasuring herself.

So firstly Liv could confirm Amelia does in fact have a vagina and she clearly did enjoy orgasms. She just clearly did not like it when Liv was around but why Liv had no bloody idea but wanted to find out.

The sight of Amelia's slender body and her moans Liv had just heard from what she just witnessed..made Liv want to join in.

The brunette stepped into the bathroom as Amelia gulped keeping a grip on the bathroom sink as the younger woman approached her.

Liv stood directly in front of Amelia as her hand slowly feathered up the dark haired woman's body lightly causing her lecturer to shudder under her touch.

Taking Amelia's hand in her own as she directed Amelias fingers she had between her legs only a minute ago into her mouth, Liv hummed as she tasted the lingering juices of Amelia.

Liv had never been so seductive like this with any of her past lovers but when Amelia was standing there all sexy as fuck, she wanted Amelia to want her to touch her.

She didn't want Amelia to hide out in the bathroom fucking herself. Liv wanted to be the one making her cum and feel good and she wanted Amelia to be the one asking her to.

Biting slightly on Amelia's fingers as she released them from her lips. Liv's hands rested on Amelia's naked hips as she pushed the older woman back against the sink causing Amelia to yelp slightly against the cold sink.

Liv leaned forward as her lips connected with Amelia ear, she could feel Amelia shudder beneath her. Amelia had never reacted to her this way. She had never been so undone like this with Liv but the brunette was not about to stop.

"You taste so good but I want to spread your legs and taste you properly" Liv whispered into Amelia's ears as Amelia moaned hearing each word.

Loving her Anatomy (GxG)(StudentxTeacher)Where stories live. Discover now