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Liv had showered and got changed into joggers and a T-shirt by the time Amelia said she was on her way to Liv's flat. The brunette knew something weird was up. Amelia had missed her full day of lectures and now was turning up on a Tuesday night to see her.

Opening her flat door, Liv smiled seeing those blue eyes staring blankly at her as Liv stepped aside allowing her lecturer to come in. She closed the door and before Amelia could say anything, Liv lips were on Amelia's. Her tongue brushing lightly over her lecturers bottom lip causing her to groan.

Liv hummed as she pushed Amelia back into her flat until she was now lying on the sofa with the brunette straddling her. Amelia's moment of weakness came and gone as she quickly shot to her feet pushing the brunette to the side of the sofa.

"What's wrong" Liv asked slightly breathless as she wiped her lip.

Amelia brushed her clothes down as she looked down at the brunette and then away as quickly as she could. There was no easy way of doing this. Breaking her heart as well as Liv's but Lana had specifically said it needed to end without Liv knowing anything.

Amelia trusted Liv with her life but it was too much to tell her everything. The fact that some idiot was threatening would send Liv on a craze to find out and most likely expose them with her temper. If anyone got whiff of knowing that Lana knew about Amelia's and Olivia well then both Lana and Amelia were basically..Fucked.

So Amelia was going down the good old fashioned way of well being her usual self. A cold heart bitch.

"This needs to stop" Amelia said coldly, brushing her fingers through her dark locks. She pushed her emotions to the back of her head while she though how important it was she kept her shit together for everybody's sake here.

"What" Liv frowned as she stood up trying to get Amelia to look her in the eye but she wouldn't. Amelia's eyes said firmly on the ground looking at the pattern of the carpet.

"I said..this needs to stop" Amelia repeated and finally plucked up the courage to look at the brunette who looked broken. Her face was pale and clammy as she spoke.

"I can't be with you anymore" Amelia said dryly

"What..why" Liv asked her tears were unstoppable as her heart sank in her chest.

"Olivia we are kidding ourselves ok..this was never going to work..we had fun while it lasted so let's leave it there" Amelia said squeezing her knuckles.

She couldn't believe her own words. She never thought she could be such a bitch but looking at Liv's tearful face now, she was proving them both how much of a cunt she could be even if she didn't mean any of it.

"Amelia" Liv cried stepping forward as she took her lecturers hand in her own but Amelia quickly stepped back and tore herself from the brunette's grip causing Liv to sob as she covered her face.

"Why are you doing this..has something happened" Liv cried, wiping her tears.

"We can fix this..I can transfer after my Exams in May..you even said yourself you were falling for me" she mumbled but Amelia just shook her head.

"There is nothing to fix..I don't want this..we had sex..it was fun, end of" Amelia said coldly.

"It was a mistake" she added.

Her words were eating her up inside but she needed to get it into Liv's head. She needed Liv to hate her to she would stay away and whatever twat was threatening her would have nothing else on them.

"You told me your feelings were real Amelia you can't just come out with this out of the blue" Liv sobbed.

"You were a big mistake and I don't want you..anyone would say anything to get you into bed and you would believe it" Amelia said feeling like she wanted to throw up.

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